Chapter Thirteen

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I arrived at my new house in Omaha. Its actually big, in what looks like a rich neighborhood. I'm guessing the job my mom got pays a lot. Just a guess. Buster pulls me out of my train of thought.

Buster: "go pick your room before Jansen and Troy get here. You to Rachael. Trust me this house is big enough to have everyone their own rooms and an extra room. Mom did good."

Me: "yeah you think!" I got out of the car and slowly walk to the door looking around at the neighbors.

I see these 4 boys look over at me. There were also some girls that were pointing at me laughing. I just roll my eyes and walk inside. Already don't like the people. The house is a whole nother story, its breathtaking. Never would've imagined this. I go straight upstairs looking for a room. I look in every one. I decide I'm going to pick the third one. It is somewhat small but has maroon walls, a walk in closet, and its own little bathroom. Its perfect. I like small rooms for some reason makes me feel cozy I guess. A bathroom is perfect because I don't have to share with nasty ass boys. A walk in closet is just a bonus, I have a lot of clothes. This room is the right size to have my queen size bed, a tiny desk for my music stuff, and my TV and PlayStation4 games and system. Yes I'm a girl gamer. Judge. I go into the bathroom it is a light shade of gray and has a glass shower, no tub... Thank god. The bathroom isn't to big. Just the normal white sink, glass shower, and toilet and a little closet thing to hold towels and other accessories. The walk in closet is built in drawer type thing along with rod type things on each wall. Normal walk in closet kind of. The room had 2 windows, one pointing to the front yard the second is pointing to the right side of the house. Maroon walls, my favorite color. Perfect size. Ceiling fan, love those things. The whole room is amazing. Just need my stuff in here. Thinking of that I wonder if Jansen and Troy got here with the truck. My mom was already here I know that. Buster told me right before I passed out in the car on our way here. I walk out of my room and see Buster helping Rachael bring in her bed frame. So my question has been answered. Sweet. I run downstairs and see the 4 guys helping Jansen and Troy bring some stuff in. Right now one with a blonde quiff is carrying my bed frame inside.

Me: "uh if you want... Just nevermind I'll take that" I shyly speak looking at the floor.

Him: "no its fine, where should this go?" He says back setting it down real fast.

Me: "in my room, I'll... Uh.. I will show you." I start walking upstairs as he follows with it. I try helping him but realize we are at my door. I open it for hin and he enters the doorway.

Him: "whoa this is cool room..." He looks around.

Me: "yeah I know right... The color is perfect." I whisper .

Him: "I'm Jack. Jack Johnson. I live down the street. Like actually literally 5 houses away."

Me: "nice meeting you... I'm Selena Clark."

Him: "nice meeting you as well.." He smiles. Being the awkward person I am I barely look at him and smile back.

He just awkwardly walks out. I start putting my bed together. When I'm half way done he comes back with my actual bed but this super attractive guy was helping him.

Jack: "Selena this is Sammy Wilkinson." He points to the hot guy. "Sam this is Selena."

Me: "hi Sammy..." I whisper.

He gives me a dirty look and walks out. Okay people here are assholes so far except Jack.

~skip doing room~

I am downstairs when there was a knock on the door. I go to open it but Jansen runs and pushes me into the wall. I hit my head super hard on the wall and he laughs and continues to the door. When I got up I felt dizzy and couldn't walk. I tried walking up the stairs but couldn't do it. Jansen was already away from the door so I took my chance and ran outside to the front yard. I sat there by a tree just thinking. I start texting Faith, Stephanie and Arianna a little bit. Faith and Stephanie both asked me if I saw any hot guys. Hello. Duh. That one asshole was super hot but personally is number one and I have no chance with him. For so many reasons, one he probably has a girlfriend, two he is rude, three nobody likes me. End of story. I'm glad that today is Saturday.. I don't have to start school tomorrow, I can just explore I guess or finish putting my clothes where they belong. All I've done so far was set up my bed and tv/PlayStation 4 and my desk with my speakers on them and music supplies. My bed frame is black with a gray fuzzy blanket under a white comforter.(queen size bed.)  My TV is on my wall with a shelf below it that holds my games, controllers, system, movies, CDs, and other things that belong there. My desk has my water speakers, dubstep making player in one of the drawers, laptop in the center, paper and pens for writing music in the other drawer that is just being left alone. Next to my desk is a keyboard and a mic. All my clothes have been thrown into the closet. I set up my bathroom, put towels away, put everything everywhere, made everything look pretty. I mean tomorrow I can put up all my pictures and lights, can't forget about the clothes either. I keep over thinking everything until I feel a football hit me in the side of my stomach.

Me: "OUCH!" I look around and see Jack, Sammy and the other 2 guys I haven't met. I stand up and throw the football back to them and run inside. The two girls that were there before are back and still laughing at me. Rude ass people I swear. Like come on, laugh when I'm not fucking looking not right in front of me. Damn. I go straight to my room and decide to play the keyboard and sing. I press shuffle on my phone to see what song to do. It goes to 'Clocks' by Coldplay. I start playing and singing along. This song is perfect.

Jack Johnson's P.O.V

Sammy, Nate, and Gilinsky and I were playing football in Gilinsky's yard. While Sarah and Leah watched.  I see Selena is sitting by herself under a tree in her yard. I point it out.

Sarah: "she looks like a little annoying shy bitch. Gross." I roll my eyes.

Me: "Sarah maybe you shouldn't judge her by the way she looks. You have no fucking idea what her life is like, non of us do so you don't need to be the bitch."

Leah: "awe Johnson has a crush... On a skank." She laughs.

Sammy: "Johnson's right but she is shy.. Not gonna fit in... If she goes to Wodeside she is fucked."

Gilinsky: "she lives by us, she is most likely going to go to Westside. Might as well let it start now" he smirks and "accidentally" throws the football at her side. She screams ouch and throws it back and runs inside. I fell so bad, they don't even know her, either do I but seriously.


Gilinsky: "you like her."

Me: "I DONT EVEN KNOW HER! BUT THATS JUST FUCKED UP! SHE DIDN'T DO SHIT TO YOU AND YOU THROW A FOOTBALL AT HER. You and Leah are perfect for eachother... You both are assholes." I walk back to my house.

I know its weird for me sticking up for her but I mean it looked like she was about to cry. I shouldn't have said anything about him and Leah together because he doesn't even like her she threatens him to ruin his fame and stuff. Sarah threntens Nate the same way. Its quite annoying. If they try breaking up with the girls, they start crying and say how the will ruin them. Gilinsky and Nate just say sorry and that they weren't thinking but really they rather die than be with Sarah and Leah. I fell bad for saying that but I mean oh well. I hate Leah and Sarah. What's something that would piss them off? I think for a little bit. Going to Selenas. I start walking back and when they see me Jack and Nate and Sammy run to me. I ignore them and cross the street to Selena's house.


Me: "Someone has to say sorry. She was about to cry. Asshole."

Sammy: "watch when we get to school you are gonna be the biggest assholr to her, and out you are nice. Watch. Happened before." I flip him off and knock on the door. A girl answers.

Girl: "hello?"

Me: "uh hi is Selena here?"

Girl: "yeah in her room. You might have to knock loud, she is playing her keyboard. Just saying." I nod and walk upstairs as she closes the door.

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