chapter 2

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- in the morning-

i woke up and all the pets got off the bed with me. i put on slippers and open my bedroom door. the cats go to the litter box. i pick up jungkook and take him and the dogs outside. as i get inside, jimin rubs on my leg.

i look down at him and pick him up. he curls up into me and i start checking my phone. i notice that it's saturday and that i can go shopping for new items for the boys.

i feel jimin licking my neck, i let it slide since he is a pet. i start reading a article on hybrids. i am very interested in hybrids. i find it fascinating that animals can be humans too. i just wish other people did too.

i then feel i bite on my neck. "ouch!!" i scream and put jimin on the ground. i rub my neck and go to a mirror to see the bite mark. hmm.. weird. maybe that's just what cats do? be careful y/n.

i go and get changed.. i put a scarf over my neck and look at the animals.. i'm about to put a lot of trust into them.. leaving them alone in my house.. i hope they don't tear it up. i walk out my house and drive to the pet store.

i go in the store and start looking for pet beds. i decide to not get kennels.. they are expensive, but also they may not like being locked up. i put seven different sizes of beds in my buggy.. hopefully they won't fight over beds.

i decide to get more food for them. i get some toys and treats too. i buy it and then head back home.

when i walk in my house, i don't see any of them... "hello?" i say out loud. it's quiet and then i thought i heard a 'shit' but then hoseok runs out to me. "hi boy" i say while petting him.

i take off my scarf and go back outside to grab the beds. i decide to just put the beds in my room for them.

i put food in their bowls and they start eating. i smile fondly at them and order me some food. i order some chinese.

i sit on the couch and start watching netflix. i start watching greys anatomy and yoongi comes and lays on my lap. i start petting him and he starts purring. "aweee, mr.cold is purring? do you like being pet?" i ask him while petting. he meows at me. my doorbell then rings. i got up, not realizing yoongi was about to bite me.

i go to my door and take my food from the man. i smile at him and tell him to have a good day. i then go back to my couch and eat my food. jimin is sitting on the cushion next to me.. just staring at me. i glare at him remembering that he bit me earlier.

he gives me pouty eyes and rubs his head on my arm. i glare at him, "i'm eatinggg!!" he gives me an offended look. i finish my food and throw it away. i pick up jimin and start petting him.

he seems happy with me now and i just sigh at him. i put him down and he goes to play with taehyung.. at least he didn't bite me this time.

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