chapter 5

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i decided to stay in with the pets today since i haven't been giving them that much attention. also today is sunday.. i have work coming up this week.
i get up and cuddle with the animals for a little while.
i get them some food and make me some breakfast.
i then hear my phone vibrating. i see that michael is calling me. i smile and pick up the call, i put him on speaker.

michael: hey y/n.. i was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? there is a party

me: oh hey michael.. i was actually going to stay in for the day to hang out with my pets

michael: so.. the pets are more important than your boyfriend?

i am surprised that he said that. is he mad?

me: i don't know how to answer that.. i just haven't spent time with them

michael: oh come on! they are just animals y/n

i frown at that.

me: have a good time tonight

i hang up after that. how can he just say that? i clean up after myself and go outside with the dogs. jungkook, tae, jimin are all playing; yoongi is asleep on the couch.

namjoon gets his ball and comes to me so i can throw it. i do so and he goes to catch it.

i throw the ball to him for about 30 minutes. jin and hoseok join in. namjoon then comes up to me for pets. i start petting him and he is all excited for the attention.

he then bites my arm. i jump up and rub my arm. he is just giving me an innocent look. maybe he didn't mean that. maybe it was because he was excited.

i go inside and put a bandage on my arm.. the ones that have not bitten me is jungkook and taehyung. i probably shouldn't jinx that.

i smile and go to play with jimin, taehyung, and jungkook. hoseok joins in.

that night i was just spending time and cuddling with all the animals. we all had a good time. they kept my mind off of michael.

little did i know.. michael was having a good time too.

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