chapter 15

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it's the next day and it's yoongi turn for a interview. i'm heading home from work and when i walk in seokjin is by the door.

jin: y/n! y/n! i got the job!!

i smile widely at him and squeal. i hug him.

y/n: THATS AMAZING! when do you start?

seokjin: next week

i smile but then it hit me.. how will they get there? shit

yoongi comes up to me and taps my shoulder. i smile at him and we head to my car. yoongi wants to be a writer, which is pretty amazing to me. i have seen him write.. a lot so i don't really mind. as long as he is happy.

i pull up to the building and he looks at me.

y/n: don't be nervous confident and yourself hun. i'll be right out here for you

he smiles and gets out the car

yoongi: thank you y/n

he closes the door and walks in the building. okay.. so how they're going to get to work.. i definitely need to teach them how to drive.. just that won't happen in a week.

they can order an uber.. but that's for money. maybe a bus? but i don't want them to do that on there own. okay okay, maybe i can try out the bus with them this weekend and get them use to it. if they don't like it.. maybe we could go for an uber.

i decide to call taehyung since he's been alittle distant lately.

taehyung: hello?

y/n: hi tay..

taehyung: are you okay? why are you calling?

y/n: i'm okay.. i'm calling because you've been distant recently.. why?

taehyung: i- i can't tell you y/n. i'm sorry that i've been distant. we will talk about it when we are ready

we? hmm weird.

y/n: okay tae.. i'll give you time.. do you want to cuddle and watch tv when i get home?

i already know that tae is smiling through the phone

taehyung: yes!!

i giggle at him and tell him bye. i hang up and yoongi walks out right away. wow, that was fast. he gets in the car and gets buckled up.

yoongi: it went well y/n! they actually already told me that i'm hired!

i looked at him shocked. and i smile widely at him.

y/n: i'm proud yoongi

he gives me his gummy smile and i drive home.

that night, me and taehyung cuddle. i talked to the boys about transportation. they seemed hesitant on the idea but are willing to try it out.

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