mr. meow meow

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so.. i got tagged by gucci4dtae_x

• i am 15, and new at writing fan fiction • i am very open with people and love talking to new people • i spend most of my time reading bts fanfics

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• i am 15, and new at writing fan fiction
• i am very open with people and love talking to new people
• i spend most of my time reading bts fanfics..
• i want to work with animals when i grow up or be in fbi
• i don't really care on what people think about me. people have opinions, buts it's my life and i shouldn't worry about someone's thought/opinions
• i enjoy talking to adults more than people my age
• i am very emotional and over think
• i can't describe well.. my mind goes blank when someone asks "where is * house at?"
• my favorite color is blue
• i play softball
• i get very lazy, but i'm also very active. depends on my mood
• i am very close with with my parents. they don't judge me on a lot
• i don't like labels

( i don't think i will be giving a punishment lol. you can do it or not. do what makes you happy. hope y'all are doing well and please stay safe. if you need someone, i am here)

time to tag 15 people haha


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