chapter 6

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i woke up from my loud alarm. ugh, work. i mean it's not that bad.. just waking up for it. i get up and put food in the bowls for them.

i see taehyung coming out the room. i smile and pick him up. i start petting him and he starts purring. he cuddles up on my neck. on the side where there is a hickey fading. i go to the bedroom to get my uniform out. taehyung then suddenly bites me.

i put him on the bed and look in the mirror. crap, i'm going to have to cover up my neck. all these bites mark makes me look so bad.

i glare at taehyung and put my uniform on. i give them all a kiss on the head and leave.

-skip to the cafe-

i was working at the register, when this girl and her friends came up. they went to go set up at the bar. they were also talking very loud.

one of the girls: he was just so amazing in bed last night. definitely going to more parties

her friend: do you remember his name?

the girl: i know his first name, michael. i was screaming it all night long.

i roll my eyes at that comment. i then hear a "excuse me." i look up and see that girl.

the girl: i am here to order. *she order what she wants*

me: okay, that will be $6.89.

she scoffs and looks me up and down. i go to make her drink. i come back and give it to her. she gives me the money and walks to her friends. they leave.

hm, she didn't give me a good vibe. wait- did she say michael? is she talking about my michael..? no.. no he wouldn't cheat on me..

-skip to home-

her words were on repeat in my head. it can't be michael. i get home and just went into the kitchen. i put food in their bowls and went on the couch. i was just slumped and trying to get my mind off of it. should i ask him?

i get my phone and i call michael. jungkook comes and lays in my lap. i pet him.

michael: hey babygirl

me: hey.. can you come over tomorrow?

michael: uhh, sure. what time?

me: oh, 4pm.. i get off work early

michael: ah alright. see you then

he hangs up and i just sigh. junkook then bits me on my wrist. "ow!" i say while getting up.

okay. all of them have bitten me. what's going on here? do they just bite people?

if only i knew that they were marking me as theirs. and soon i would find out that there is more to them being animals.

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