chapter 16

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i get home and hoseok is already by the door to head for his interview. i go to hug the other boys and head to his place.
hobi wants to produce music. which i am in live with.

hobi: y/n! i'm so excited

i smile at his personality. he is definitely different from the other boys. i park in the parking lot and he smiles brightly.

hobi: can i do something before i leave?

y/n: sure

i look at him confused, but then he kisses me. it was very fast and then he got out the car and skipped to the door. huh- weird.

he just freaking kissed me?? woah. wait.. why did i like that? is this bad? do i have feelings for him? wait-what about the other boys?

would they be mad? crap. my thoughts are put aside when i hear my phone go off. jimin is calling me.

jimin: y/nnn, cuddle me when you come back.

i smile

y/n: i will, i promise

jimin: yayy!!

i giggle. he is way too adorable.

jimin: you have a cute giggle

i start blushing.. that was out of no where

y/n: t-thank you jimin

me and him talk for about 20 more mins and i see hobi walking out with a smile. i hang up on jimin and hoseok gets in the car.

i look at him.

y/n: how was it?

hobi: i-it was okay.

y/n: not so confident now?

he blushes and looks down. i grab his face and do the unexpected. i miss him. we start making out and a couple minutes later, we pull away for air.

hobi: woah

i nod and start the car to go home. okay.. might like these boys more than i should.

i get home and cuddle with jimin. hoseok was very happy and energetic with the boys. they were confused as to why he was like that but he just kept on smiling.

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