chapter 23

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seokjin was the first one to learn how to drive. he drove yoongi and taehyung to work. he helped y/n out on having namjoon and jungkook learn how to drive.

namjoon, when he learns how to drive and gets his license, would drive jimin. jungkook needs to drive on his own to get to his job. y/n drives hoseok to his job because they're very close by each other.

it was slow in the beginning of the relationship. y'all were nice and clingy, but nothing like kissing or sexual things happened til 4 months into the relationship.

you were insecure on the relationship, always worried that they will meet someone else. i mean sure, you are their mate, but people get married and still cheat.

the boys helped you on being confident and tell you everyday on how worth it you are and how they will never leave you.

eventually, you became the owner of the cafe, all the boys became manager of their jobs, except for namjoon, he became an owner.

you moved out of your apartment and got a bigger house with enough room for the boys. they go back into their animal forms when they have their heat. they can control it more and you always enjoy when they are in their animal form.

6 years into the relationship, y'all wanted to get married, but the law doesn't allow 8 people to get married. so you all bought rings and just went with being married.

a year after that, y'all wanted kids. you and the boys talked out on who should be the father, it ended up being namjoon.

9 months later, the baby is a girl and you and the boys were all in love with her. y'all definitely spoiled her.

a year after that, taehyung got you pregnant with twins, one is a boy and the other is a boy. after that, you got surgery to where you can't have kids.

y'all were very happy with your kids, the oldest was jihyun. the twins were taemin and naeyoun.

from then on, y'all were a happy family and didn't care about people's opinions. in the end, y'all were happy and that's what mattered.

so.. super sorry that i haven't updated, and i'm sorry, i had to wrap up this story🥺 i know it's not a good ending, but i've lost motivation and i didn't want to continue and just give up on it.

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