chapter 17

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namjoon gets in my car when i pull in. he was already outside.

i smile at him as he gets in. he wants to work in the library.

namjoon: i know what happened with you and hoseok

i gulp and look at him. but then i look back at the road.

y/n: i don't know what to say

he smirks at me

namjoon: you don't have to say anything

i blush and pull into the library.

namjoon: wish me luck y/n

he winks and gets out of the car. i'm a blushing mess and i have butterflies in my stomach. what is up with these boys? why are they making me feel this way?

- 30 minutes later-

i was jamming out to music when namjoon walks out. he comes in and smiles

namjoon: i was really nervous. but they told me that they actually needed a new worker, so i was a win for them

i smile and give him a high five. i'm so proud of these boys. they will get to try to have a normal life. even if they are hybrids.

i drive home and namjoon goes inside to tell the boys.

seokjin walks out the house towards me.

seokjin: can you order food?

y/n: why??

seokjin: i wanna cuddle with you tonight

he gives me a pout and i already know that he has won. god dang it.

y/n: fine

i order pizza for us and me and seokjin cuddle.

seokjin: we all know y/n

my heart starts beating fast

y/n: are you mad?

seokjin: no

he starts kissing my neck and i love my face so our noses touch. i then kiss him and we start making out. we then hear a gasp. i look up and see yoongi. i have wide eyes now.

y/n: y-yoongi

yoongi: we can talk about this later

he walks out and seokjin just rubs my shoulder for comfort.

we go back to cuddling for the night.

so,, there is 8 more chapters left. i'm actually kind of sad with ending this book. it's my first one :)
also, thank you so much on 1k reads. it means a whole lot. i purple youuu💜💜**

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