chapter 14

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i get home from work and seokjin is already by the door.
"it's me first.. right?" he asks.

y/n: yes

i smiles and gets a beanie and puts on his shoes. i hug all the boys and get in my car. i let seokjin pick some music out and he is talking about the job he wants to try out for.
a bakery.
i'm just listening to him ranting and smiling at him. he is honestly so cute. i park in the parking lot.

seokjin: i am nervous. what do i do?

y/n: jinnie, you do you. you'll get this job, it's your passion.

he smiles at me and gets out the car.

seokjin: are you coming with?

y/n: no.. this is just you

he gives me a look and i just smile and lean over to close his door.  i give him thumbs up and he walks in.

i get a call and i see that it's from yoongi. i answer it.

y/n: hello?

yoongi: how is it going?

y/n: i don't know, he is being interviewed right now

yoongi: you aren't with him?

y/n: no baby. it's just him for that

yoongi: will you be with me or us?

y/n: no baby, i can't be with y'all. it's just you and the interviewer. why did you call?

yoongi: awee man, and i miss youu y/nnn

y/n: i'll be back in maybe an hour

yoongi: that's too long

y/n: i'll see you when i get home hun

yoongi: fine

i already know he is pouting and i just roll my eyes and giggle at him.

y/n: i'll see you later love. i'll have jin cook dinner and we can cuddle?

yoongi: yes!!!

y/n: okay baby, see ya

yoongi: see yaaaa

i hang up and smile. he's so cute and adorable. i feel butterflies in my stomach- why? i see seokjin coming out of the building and he is walking to the car. he just has a poker face right now.

he gets in and sits down.

y/n: how did it go?

he looks at me

and then smiles

jin: she said that she will contact me tomorrow

y/n: tomorrow?

jin: yes, she's seemed really impressed with me.. i hope i get the job

y/n: i'm sure you will. it usually takes them a week to get back to you.

he just smiles and puts his hand on my thigh. i drive home feeling butterflies in my stomach.

- skip to getting home-

the boys surround us asking how it went. seokjin said he thinks it went well.

yoongi: can you make us dinner jin?

jin nods and pat his head. yoongi then grabs my hand and we go cuddle on the couch.

** a/n, the next 6 chapters will be them getting jobs... then some truth about feelings will be coming up :))
thank you so much for reading my story. it means a whole lot <3 **

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