chapter 7

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y/n pov:
michael is on his way right now. i put all my animals in my room, so i don't get distracted.
i get me some juice to drink. i am very nervous right now. would michael cheat on me? why would he even ask me out.. it's been a couple of days. maybe i'm just over thinking. i hear the doorbell and go to open the door. there is michael. he looks so attractive right now. he kisses me and walks in. i smile and close the door.
i ask him if he wants anything to drink and he says no. i go to sit down on my couch and he sits down too. very close to me. hm..

me: " michael.. can i ask you something?"
michael: " sure babe"
me: "so you went to a party the other day..?"
michael: "yes. i told you that.."
me: " yeah.. did you sleep with someone that night?"

michael pauses. he looks at me.

michael: "of course not y/n."
me: ".. are you sure?"
michael: "y/n.. you know i am head over heals for you. i would never do that to you."

i was about to say something, but he just starts kissing me. i was trying to pull away, but i let my needs in.
-skip to after yk yk.. naughty naughty happens-

me and michael just finished.. he is putting his clothes back on and is telling me how he has plans tonight and needs to leave. i put my clothes on and frown. he just leaves and i'm just facing the door.

" so not only did you sleep with a cheater, but you let him treat you like that? wow" says an unknown voice. i jump and turn to look at the guy.

don't get me wrong. he is quite handsome, but how is he in my house? what the hell??

"who are you?" i asked.

-ouuu, the reader is about to find out the truth 😏😏, and sorry that this is short. also, i will not write smut. i will mention it and just skip after. i'm just young and i don't feel comfortable writing that yet.-

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