chapter 11

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its been a week since ive known the boys in there hybrid form

they all have clothes, I have lots of food for them, and I taught them how to work the tv and the home phone.

right now, I just got off of work and went to michaels apartment.

I am nervous but im going to end it with him. hanging out with the boys made me realize my worth. 

Michael: oh hey y/n. what are you doing here?

I sigh and smile at him

y/n: im sorry Michael. I just wanted to say that we are done. its better to do this in person and not over the phone

Michael: y/n-

y/n: no. I am worth so much more than a cheating asshole like you. have fun getting stds

I walked away and he was just standing there shocked. I get in my car and start smiling at myself. wow, y/n. you did that. 

I get home and seokjin is cooking food. I just nod but then I stop. DOES HE KNOW HOW TO COOK?

y/n: seokjin... hun.. whatcha doing?

sekjin: oh im cooking


y/n: you know how to cook?

seokjin: im learning. im watching youtube

I smile and pat his shoulder. okay, makes me feel better.

I walk in my room and change into more comfortable clothes. its been a long week, thank god its the weekend

I go into the living room and there namjoon and jimin on the couch. I sit by them and look at them both

y/n: I broke up with michael

they looked at me shocked but broke into a smile

hoseok: YOU DID WHAT??

hoseok and the rest of the boys come in, seokjin is still in the kitchen

jimin: she broke up with michael

yoongi: thank god

all the boys looked at me and smiled. 


y/n: yup

I smile and seokjin just laughs loudly

Jungkook and taehyung end up attacking me for hugs

all the boys are just so happy. is it because I broke up with Michael? 

honestly, im surprised ive done so well with these boys. im getting attached and recently been feeling something different with them.. 

seeing them so happy that im now single, made my heart jump. why?

namjoon pov:

she thought about what I said. she did the right thing. honestly really proud

shes been different with us though. like she calls us cute a lot, and shes clingy with us. I mean we don't mind at all, but usually we are the ones clingy with her

I hope shes getting feelings for us. eventually, we are going to have to talk to her about her being our mates.


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