Chapter 27

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 Am I stupid or what? How can I forgotten my own birthday? I can’t help but shook my head with my own stupidity. I should have guessed it on the gifts that I had picked up from the hanging bridge. But my deduction somehow didn’t function on the day of my birth. How amazing is that? Note the sarcasm.

“Surprise aren’t you?” Beth said as she gave me a hugged.

“Obviously.” I answered rolling my eyes at her and she just laughed at it.

“You are really something Jane.” Jen butted in and also gave me a hugged. “How can you forgot your own birthday?”

“I am also asking myself that.” I answered with a chuckled.

“Maybe because her mind is always occupied by something.” James said as he puts his arms around Jen’s shoulder.

“Something?” Jake arched a brow while he wrapped his arm on Beth’s waist. “I think it is more of a someone.” He then winked at me which made me blush.

Of course it is a someone. And speaking of someone where is he? I look around the room waiting for Chad to come out but not even a shadow of him is to be seen.

“He’s at the lake.” Jen snapped me out from searching him with a cheeky grin.

I blushed even more as they looks at me amusedly. How can they embarrass me on my birthday? They are so cruel.

I nodded and shyly smiled at them and I then left the cabin. I walk to the lake searching for him. They are few people by the lake, some doing bonfires and while some are having a swim. I spotted Chad sitting on a timber watching a family that was having a bonfire as they ate their dinner.

“Hey.” I sat beside him.

He smiled at me then took my hand and place a kiss at the back of it. “So how was the surprise?”

“Annoying.” I answered and he chuckled. “But it was fun.”

“Good.” He replied then place another kiss at the back of my hand. “Because there is one more.”

I groan in protest by what he said. “I hate you.”

“No you don’t.” He smirked then gave a chaste kiss on my lips. “C’mon.”


“Chad? Where are you taking me?” I asked as I hold tight into his arm. We are currently walking in the woods. It was a bit dark with our path way being lit up by some paper lantern. It was kind of romantic but the dark eerie feeling of the woods killed the romantic vibe.

“Secret.” He answered with a smirk.

“Is this the time that you gonna kill me and dump my bodies here?” I nervously joked as I heard a hoot of an owl.

“You have been reading too much of wattpad, do you know that?” He said as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

I pouted at him. "I don’t read too much of wattpad.”

“Of course you don’t.” He chuckled and I pinched him in the side which made him wince in pain.

“Don’t messed with me.” I glared at him.

“You are such a sore loser.” He smiled.

“And you are such a bully.” I rolled my eyes at him which only made him laughed. Have I told you that I love his laughed? I really love his laughs, it feels like music in my ear.

“Okay, we have to stop here.” He suddenly halt and turned me towards him. “And we have to blindfold you.” He then took a bandana from his back pocket.

“Oh..” I shook my head. “No blindfold please.”

“It’s a part of the surprise Jane.” he insisted.

“But..” I’m not really afraid of the dark but I am afraid of going blind. I don’t why I am afraid of it but being not able to see just scares the hell out of me. So being blindfolded scares the hell out of me.

“I will be with you Jane.” Chad pulled me into a hug. Maybe he had see the terror on my face. “I will not leave you okay? And this will only takes a minute or so.” He whispered reassuringly.

I took a deep breath and pulled away from him. “Okay, I will do it.”

“Now, that’s my girl.” He proudly said and I can’t help but blushed. “Now turn around.”

I did what he said and then everything went black as the bandana covers my eyes. I took a deep breath as I feel him tighten the knot at the back of my head. He then turned me back around and intertwined or fingers together.

We walked in silence as he guide me through the path. After a minute or so he stop which made me stop also. I could feel movement and some hushed voices. A smiled formed on my lips knowing that it would be our friends.

“I will now take off the blindfold.” Chad informed as he let go of hand and went behind me. “But don’t open your eyes yet, okay?”  I nodded smiling at his stunt.

I felt him loosen the bandana and soon the fabric that was covering my eyes was gone. And I let out a sighed of relief because of it. I was then tempted to peek, just one peek, he won’t know right? He was behind me.

“No peeking Jane.” He suddenly whispered.

“How do you do that?” I grunted.

“Do what?” He answered innocently.

“Know what I am thinking? Are you Edward Cullen or what?”

He chuckled by my response and hugged me from behind resting his head on my shoulder. “You don’t have to be a vampire to know what your soulmate is thinking Jane.”

I feel my heart beats faster inside of my chest because of those words. Such a cheesy line but damn it was so good.

“Whatever.” I snorted covering the giddiness I am feeling. “Now, can we just get on with this surprise of yours?”

He laughed and pulled me closer to him. “You may now open your eyes Jane.”

I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting from being blindfolded, and a gasped came out of my mouth as soon as my sight was cleared up. There on the sky, lighting it up on a dark night are sky lanterns. Sky lanterns that were floating slowly and majestically on the air and it was amazing. I don’t know how he know this but I really love sky lanterns.

“Like it?”

“Oh Chad! I love it!” I turned around and gave him a hug. “It was amazing.”

“Anything for you Jane.” He held me close. “I would do anything for you.”

“Thank you Chad.” I slightly pulled away from him.

“Happy birthday Jane.” He greeted as he rest his forehead into mine.

“I love you Chad.”

‘And I love you more Jane.” He then lowered his head and gave me a birthday kiss.

The More You Hate The More You Love [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now