Chapter 22

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 “Cause I’m maybe bad but I’m perfectly good at it..”

I groan as I heard S&M by Rihanna blasting on my phone that is on my bed side table as it woke me up from my beauty rest. I want to ignore it and just go back to sleep but I doubt that if I do that the caller will just pester me until she get what she want. I lazily turned and reach for my phone, I check first the time before answering which took me by surprise. I then answered the call and yelled my lung out before the caller could say hello.

“What the hell Jen!! Its 4 am in the morning! I’m still on dreamland having a romantic date with Andrew Garfield and it was cut by my phone singing S&M which means you!! And you better give me a better explanation why you cut my dream date!!” I yelled nonstop at her and all I heard was her giggling at the other end of the line.

Jen and I (Yes, Jennifer Yu, Chad’s older sister) had been best of friends since this past 6 months. Yes, 6 months had passed after the play and things had been I don’t know how to describe it but well, different. It started a week after the play when Jen suddenly walks on my front door. I still remember how bewildered I was when she said that I have to dress up because we will go shopping. And dress up and shopping we did. And before the day end we became best friend and I introduce her to Beth and they we’re like long lost sisters.

And if you’re wondering about Chad, well, he is still my classmate but we barely as in barely talk with each other. I still don’t know what he means by what he said after the play and it sometimes keeps me wondering at night.

I sometimes had this urge to ask Jen about Chad but I rather not because I don’t want things to become awkward between us. You know what they say, friendship first before relationship.

Anyway, enough of that sad part and just go back to my crazy caller who had interrupted my date with Mr. Spider Man. “Damn Jane! Really? Andrew Garfield? I though you love Channing Tatum?” She teased still giggling at the other side.

“Channing Tatum was cancelled due to his wife. Now, what do you want?!” I exclaimed.

“Oh, I forgot not to tease someone who just woken up.” She said then giggled and I just rolled my eyes. “Well, I just came back from Japan and I really missed my best friend ever. Is that not enough explanation for you?”

I sighed out my frustration on Jen dramatic tactics; she just been away for a week because she has a shoot in Japan. She’s a model you see, even at the age of 17. “Okay, you missed me but you could at least call me when the sun is up in the sky and when I’m not in bed sleeping my ass off.” I yelled at her.

“You are such a killjoy, you know that? Okay, go back to sleep, someone just want to hear your voice that’s all. Bye!” She said then hangs up on me.

Jen sure is weird, what does she mean by someone want to hear my voice? I asked myself but shrugged it off then go back to sleep hoping my romantic date with Mr. Spiderman will continue.

“Hey baby, Good Morning.” Moms said as I enter the kitchen and then walk towards her and peck a kiss in her cheek then sit on one of the stool in the kitchen island.

“Do you have somewhere to go to? You’re a bit early today.” She said while she crack the egg on the bowl. I think she will be making scrambled eggs or maybe an omelet, I just hope it have some cheese on it.

“Stupid Jen called me at 4 in the morning.” I complained as I cup my cheeks in my hands with my elbows on the counter top. “Mom could you put some cheese and ham on the eggs, please” I continue while giving her a puppy dog eye and she just gave me a smile.

“Hey, Good Morning!” James greeted as he enters the kitchen. From the look of it, he just finished his morning jog because he is still in his sweatpants, running shirt and still sweating. He walks towards Mom gave her a kiss on the cheek and then turned to the refrigerator then took a Gatorade and drink it instantly after opening. And as he finished the whole bottle and was about to throw it away, was the only time that he realize that I was there in the kitchen.

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