Chapter 1

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Hayoung stood on the sidelines, arms crossed as he brother was excitedly standing behind the red ribbon, a large smile on his face as his friends surrounded him.

Although the Kim siblings had grown up in Neo City, their parent's company was based in Korea. They basically grew up on their own, as their parents spent more time in Korea than in Neo City with their children. Once Hayoung had graduated college, their parents had immediately made her the Vice-President of the company, opening a branch up in Neo City for her and her brother.

Apparently opening a café was one of Doyoung's greatest dreams, a plan he had with his friends since he was in college. Doyoung immediatedly jumped at the opportunity as he saw the open space on the first floor of their business building.

Doyoung had often arrived at work late or left early to go make sure the café would be set up perfectly. Occaisionally, Doyoung would bring Hayoung a cup of coffee, letting her sample the recipes before they opened. She had already determined what her favourite drink was, the signature café latte.

Hayoung had to admit, the café was cute, with a pink and white theme, a small pink gummy bear as their logo. Not exactly her taste, but it wasn't built for her, it was built to attract customers.

Her parents were also visiting Neo City to support their son. There were many cameras and reporters surrounding the venue, courtesy of their rich and famous friends and their families. The flashes were blinding as they photographers continuously took photos of Doyoung.

The applause and cheers had interrupted Hayoung's thoughts, and she looked up to see that Doyoung had cut the ribbon. The people outside slowly made their way inside the café, where pink and white streamers and balloons were hanging on the walls in celebration of their grand opening.

"Aren't you going to go in as well?" Her father asked. Hayoung waved her hand.

"You two enter first, I'll enter once everyone else goes." Hayoung told them. Her mother narrowed her eyes at her.

"The least you could do is smile in support of your brother." Her mother said to her. Hayoung rolled her eyes.

Hayoung had already worn a cream coloured lace dress as opposed to the black one she had intended on wearing, hence she thought that she was already well-supporting her brother. Seeing her mother's crossed hands, she realized that her mother wasn't exactly giving her much of a choice.

"Okay fine, I'll go in with you." Hayoung said, giving up. Her parents smiled as she took her place between them, making their way into the café.


"Guys, let's take a picture together!" Mark said, holding the polaroid camera in his hands. Jungwoo smiled as he stood beside Doyoung, their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders. The three boys stood together in the backroom, smiling as Mark took the photo. He continued to take two more, allowing each of them to keep one of them.

"Thank you so much for investing in this!" Jungwoo said, as he patted Doyoung on the back. Doyoung simply smiled at the two boys.

"Don't worry about it. It's been our dream for a while, I'm just glad that we could achieve it together." Doyoung said to them.

"We should quickly go back so we can serve the guests." Mark said, putting an apron on. Jungwoo quickly followed suite.

"You two go ahead, I'll start passing around slices of cake." Doyoung said, eyeing the plates but Jungwoo shook his head.

"Don't be ridiculous Doyoung, you're the owner and we're your workers. You go spend time with your family and we'll serve the cake and coffee." Jungwoo said pushing Doyoung away. Doyoung let out a small chuckle as he let the younger male push him towards where the guests were.

"Okay okay, let me know if you need any help, there's a lot of people here." Doyoung said but Jungwoo shook his head.

"Don't worry, we got this. Go socialize!" And with that, Doyoung was pushed into the crowd.

Jungwoo dusted his hands off as he turned around but was met with the face of a girl in a cream coloured dress. She had long brown hair, pale skin, and large doe-like eyes like Doyoung. In fact, she almost looked identical to Doyoung, minus the fact that she was female and gave him an icy glare.

"Do you work here?" The girl asked him. Jungwoo nodded. Wasn't the white apron obvious enough? The girl let out a sigh of relief.

"Good because Doyoung told me there was cake and coffee and I could serious use that right now. Can you get me some?" The girl said. The word "please" would be nice. Jungwoo thought as he plastered a fake smile on his face. He guided the girl to the counter where a large pink cake was waiting along with some pretty white mugs, which Doyoung had allowed Jungwoo to select them himself.

Jungwoo got behind the counter, cutting a slice of cake and placing it on a white plate, taking out a silver fork for her as well.

"And coffee?" The girl asked as she took the cake in her hands.

"Is there anything you would like to drink? I can brew it for you right now." Jungwoo asked, passing her a menu but she waved it away.

"I'd like a café latte." The girl said. Jungwoo nodded, taking a white mug before preparing the drink. He noticed from the corner of his eye that the girl began to take bites of the cake, nodding her head in approval.

Jungwoo smiled as he poured the milk, the foam forming the beautiful art that he had practiced many times before. He passed the girl her drink.

"Here you go uh..." Jungwoo realized that he didn't even know the name of the girl. The girl looked up from her cake, eyeing the drink for a moment before taking it in her hands.

"It's Hayoung." The girl said before walking away.

"She didn't even say thank you." Jungwoo mumbled to himself, unimpressed by the rude girl.

As he wiped the counters, the image of the girl was burnt into his brain, repeating her name.

Hayoung, Hayoung.. that name sounds awfully familiar. Jungwoo thought to himself just as Mark came out of the door to the kitchen.

"Hey Mark, does the name Hayoung sound familiar to you?" Jungwoo asked, leaning on the counter. Mark let out a small chuckle before responding.

"Jungwoo did you forget? Hayoung is the name of Doyoung's younger sister, you know, the one you hated in high school."

Oh, how could I forget? Jungwoo thought to himself as he recalled the girl. Back then she was shorter and wore less makeup but her attitude hadn't changed one bit. She was still rude and stuck up, and a big reason why Jungwoo often refused to go to Doyoung's house. Back then, they were sworn enemies, and looks like that won't be changing anytime soon.



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