Chapter 20

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"Kim Hayoung, where were you last night?" Doyoung asked, clearly not impressed by his sister's entrance.

"How did you know that I wasn't home?" Hayoung asked back, hanging up her jacket.

"Yuta told me." Doyoung answered. Hayoung was surprised by his answer and it was clear that Doyoung could tell.

"I think he told me as a formality. If anything happened to you and he didn't tell me, he would get in big trouble." Doyoung explained as he stood up from her desk.

"Yeah makes sense." Hayoung said, taking his place. She looked up as she noticed that Doyoung was still in her office.

"You didn't answer my question." Doyoung pointed out.

"Right." Hayoung mumbled, looking down at her fingers tapping the desk. "I was at Jungwoo's."

"Jungwoo's?" Doyoung exclaimed. Hayoung nodded.

"Yeah, I took him home from the hospital and he was pretty upset so I stayed over to make sure he was okay." Hayoung told him. Doyoung raised an eyebrow.

"Since when did you care about others?" Doyoung asked. Hayoung shot him a glare.

"I mean if you want, I can go back to not caring." Hayoung snapped but a grin spread on Doyoung's face instead.

"Do you have a crush on Jungwoo?" Doyoung asked her. Hayoung immediately got up and gave her brother a big smack on the arm.

"Yah, what type of question is that?!" Hayoung exclaimed, repeatedly hitting Doyoung.

"Okay, okay chill, I was just joking!" Doyoung said, pushing her away. She let out a big huff before sitting at her desk.

"Leave." Hayoung said, pointing at the door.

"Yes ma'am!" Doyoung said, giving her a wink before closing the door behind him. Once he left, Hayoung let out a big sigh of relief but his words were still in her head.

Do I have feelings for Jungwoo?


The funeral for Jungwoo's mother was three days after her death. This was the one day that Jungwoo allowed Doyoung to close the café. It was small, only Jungwoo's few friends invited. Hayoung was at Doyoung's house, the two siblings deciding to head over together.

"Are you sure I should go?" Hayoung asked as she paced around Doyoung's house. Doyoung rolled his eyes, fixing his tie.

"Don't be ridiculous. You literally slept at his place the night his mother died and you were there when right before she went into surgery. At this point, you probably deserve to go more than I do." Doyoung said.

"Whatever, let's just go." Hayoung mumbled as she followed Doyoung out of the house.

When they arrived, the two siblings quickly greeted Jungwoo who stood by his mother's coffin.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Doyoung said, patting his friend on the back. Jungwoo sniffled, blinking back his tears as he looked up, trying hard not to cry. He took a deep breath, calming himself down.

"Thanks hyung." Jungwoo said, giving Doyoung's hand a squeeze. Doyoung glanced back at Hayoung for a moment before making his way to wear Mark was.

"Hayoung." Jungwoo said as she took a step forward. "You're here."

"I did tell your mother that I'd be here for you." Hayoung said, as Jungwoo stared into her eyes. "My condolences, Jungwoo."

Hayoung was surprised when Jungwoo took a step forward, his arms around her as he gave Hayoung a tight hug. Hayoung felt herself freeze for a moment before hugging him back, and knew that Doyoung and Mark were both staring at them.

"Thank you, Hayoung. For coming. It means a lot to me and her." Jungwoo whispered into her ear. He released her from the hug, glancing at Mark and Doyoung before looking at her again.

"Sorry." Jungwoo said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Don't be." Hayoung replied. Suddenly, her phone rang, making her curse under her breath. It was one of their workers. Jungwoo let her take the call, walking towards his friends instead.

"Hello? Don't you know that both Doyoung and I are busy right now? Whatever you want can wait, go figure it out on your own." Hayoung said, scolding her worker before hanging up.

"Idiots." Hayoung muttered. The sound of clicking of heels brought her attention up to the door as a black-haired girl walked in. Bomi.

From the corner of her eye, Hayoung noticed Jungwoo's hand clench into fists and heard Mark whisper to him.

"Did you invite her?" Mark asked. Jungwoo shook his head. Hayoung decided to approach the girl.

"I don't think you should be here." Hayoung said to her. Bomi stared her down, taking in every inch of her body before responding.

"I think I deserve to be her more than you." Bomi replied. Hayoung scoffed.

"You should leave, you weren't invited." Hayoung told her.

"Neither were you." Bomi snapped back. Hayoung wanted to slap the girl so badly but felt a hand on her shoulder instead.

"Actually, she was." Jungwoo said from behind her. He gave her shoulder a small squeeze, holding his stare at the girl. "And you should leave. Before I call security to throw you out."

Bomi huffed, glaring at Hayoung before looking back up to Jungwoo. She spun on her heels, angrily marching out of the door. Hayoung heard Jungwoo release a sigh of relief once Bomi was out of sight.

"I should have listened to her." Jungwoo mumbled. Hayoung turned to face him.

"Huh?" Hayoung asked. Jungwoo shook his head.

"My mother. She didn't want the surgery because Bomi was the doctor in charge. I should have listened." Jungwoo said. Hayoung wanted to respond and tell him that it wasn't his fault but Doyoung beat her to it.

"Jungwoo, we all know that your mother wasn't in the best condition. She's in a better place now, no longer feeling the pain she felt before." Doyoung told him.

"Yeah I guess." Jungwoo said before returning to his mother's casket, where Mark was. Doyoung looked at Hayoung.

"Didn't know you two were so close." Doyoung said to her.

"Oh shut up." Hayoung replied, glaring at her brother.


Sad chapter because it was a funeral scene but i have to admit, jungwoo just looks so good in this gif

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Sad chapter because it was a funeral scene but i have to admit, jungwoo just looks so good in this gif

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