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We all have sides of ourselves that we wish not to be seen,
Little problems, knotted chaos, all just a smidge too keen.
However, you get a glimpse of life on the other hand,
And it seems so magical, and so beautifully grand.
That is the side they all see,
No more, no less, and nothing off brand.

Reality is a mysterious thing, confusing since day one,
And we all continue to think we are in it, although there are none.
But there are little pieces, fragments of imagination floating, falling,
Because nobody is truly where they think they are.
As it seems, the tighter you try to hold onto what you believe to be truthful,
It slips away faster than ever before.

Like gripping sand as violently as a rope keeping you from meeting a watery demise,
It slips away, disappearing, right before our eyes.
Because of this, we choose not to see it,
Not anything, not nothing, not even a bit.
Everyone in their own bubble, with their own fragments of mindscapes,
Thrown into the puddle of life, like buttercream frosting on an overly sweetened cake.

So I ask the world with my own voice, my own actions, and my own shards of imagination,
Please pop the bubbles that surround true thoughts and feelings.
Let me see the sides of every human, every animal, everything,
So that I can help.
So that I can guide.
So that I can comfort.
So that I can give hope.
So that I can love.

Everything deserves that, right?
Everything deserves a little bit of light.
Everyone deserves to let their hidden sides show,
Without being judged, or hurt, or criticized with hostility as cold as snow.
Everyone deserves to be respected like you wish to be,
Not loathed, as hard as it may seem to keep calm and not let rage take the lead.

Because every single thing in this beautifully messed up, chaotically gorgeous world has facets,
And those, unlike our bubbles full of dreams, are not imaginary.


Hello! Stardusttoad here. :) I hope everyone is doing well during difficult times.

Be sure to stay true to yourself, and don't feel pressured to change to fit society norms. People should like you for you, not you pretending to be someone your not. Be yourself, cause everyone else is already taken. :D Sweet dreams!

Thanks for readin'!

Love, Stardusttoad 

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