Postcards from Quarantine: Part 4 - Chalk Art

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~Chalk Art~

Hello, my beloved grandparent!
How are you this fine day?
Oh how I wish to give you the tightest hug, 
The largest, warmest smile,
And love greater than the universe itself.

This vast space between us seems to know no bounds, growing bigger by the nanosecond,
But hopefully I can talk it into moving along.
I hope you enjoyed the message I shared,
Scrawled all along the face of your driveway,
With chalk bought many years ago.
I really do mean it by the way, 
And I hope you know that.

Soon I’ll get to see you again, 
And hug you,
And share my mysteries and internet-discovered factoids once more.
We just need to wait a tad longer.
...Try not to feel too lonely, okay?
We’re here.
Like a never-ending flow,
A stream of consciousness that never ebbs away,
We remain with you.
Always, forever.

Love you.

~end of part 4~

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this part of my book of poems/ nonsensical shower thoughts! I know that many families might be separated from each other and not be able to get together because of COVID, mine included! But don't worry, because you'll get to see them again when this is all over. And as an added bonus, you'll all hopefully be healthy!
Stay safe and remember that the world wouldn't be the same without you. :D

Thanks for readin'!

Love, Stardusttoad

Love, Stardusttoad💜

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