Postcards from Quarantine: Part 3 - Roller Blades

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~Roller Blades~

To my travelled relative, whom is indeed unrelated, 
Yet identifies as my sibling.
Time really flies, doesn't it?
How's life in the outside;
Better, worse?

Our little tree hidden neighborhood just isn't the same since you left,
But we all know that you're having fun.
And that is what matters, is it not?
I do hope that things are leveling out where you are,
Especially since things are going downhill for us, even faster than you on your blades,
Drawing circles of grace and fluidity around us on the cracked asphalt.

However, it has to get gloomy before the sun can peek through!
Maybe the clouds are concealing us now,
But we will make the sky sparkle with spirits and ideas once again.
Confusion is something best dealt with while supported by friends and loved ones,
No matter where they are. Remember that, okay?

Stay in touch, 
And see you soon.

~end of part 3~

Hello, and I hope you enjoyed the third part of Postcards from Quarantine. :)

This one is dedicated to a person who is very special to me. These written words are kind of a way for me to express what I feel, but sometimes don't say. And to the person this was written for, (you know who you are!), I hope you enjoyed this. Also: they finally repaved the roads in our neighborhood! We can finally ride around again without feeling like we're in the middle of a 7.9 earthquake! XD

If any of you have someone dear to you that lives far away, then I have this little piece of advice for you. Although sometimes it can feel like the days drag by without that person, try not to dwell. Instead, try to stay in touch with the person the best you can through text, calling, emails, and more. Share pictures with each other of experiences, and recall fun memories that you had together. You'll see each other again someday, you just gotta take it one day at a time. :}

Thanks for readin'!

Love, Stardusttoad

Love, Stardusttoad💜

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Keep on skating. ;}

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