I'm board lol
In conclusion, it can be concluded that the humourous TV series of Big Bang Theory is the worse thing I've ever seen and I went on the "easily offended tab" on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Like honestly, I'd rather put a burning cathode in my urethra than watch another second of that autistic mess. I'd rather get buttfucked by Eugenia Cooney in a graveyard or swallow molten salt through an AIDS invested beer bong tube. At least I'd laugh more and die from the pain of the molten salt flowing through my oesophagus and hopefully get to my lungs where my organs will burst and I'll struggle to the death, trying to catch my last breath of air. The molten salt would then crystalize my organs, eternally preserving my whithered corpse; for seasoning on tacos (me gusta). And that's my opinion on BBT.
Here are some messages:
Leonard said the N backwards once... which Leonard? The one from BBT
Big up Africa, Kenya No. 1; don'tme
"Always a hot, but never thotgotten"
Greta Thunberg doesn't have autism, she's just really good at acting
P.s. I'm Robert from pumped up kicks, fight me boomers and coomers
PS Leon a simp
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick's Draw
FanfictionWhile playing with Rowley, Greg and Rowley want some dank memes and decide to go to Rodrick's room because he got that shit. However, they find things that go against the Geneva Convention. What it's in the draw? Fucking read the story first you fuc...