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Firstly, I would like to thank you for giving my novel a chance

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Firstly, I would like to thank you for giving my novel a chance. I truly hope you enjoy reading this and I hope you will find it deeply touching, eye-opening, and enlightening.

That being said, this is not like my normal work.

I had the idea for this novel back in 2018, and I wanted to write it. But something kept me from working on this idea.


I was afraid that if I put this idea out to the world, I would be ridiculed and criticized for writing something so raw and real. This story is not easy to stomach. It is not a fluffy little romance novel. It's not an easy read.

But if there is one thing that I've learned about the recent events in the world, it's that we don't need easy reads. We need heavy ones.

Books that make us think; that put us in someone else's shoes, so that we might at least try to understand. So that we might push ourselves out of our privilege and our comfort zones. So that we might join the fight against hate.

This book contains:

Toxic masculinity
Mention of rape
Rape culture
Explicit language

And much more.

My dear friends and readers, We Are Wildflowers is going to be a heavy book to read. I hope you'll rise to the challenge. But, if you're not mentally prepared to deal with the emotional weight this book carries, then this story isn't for you.

I do hope you'll keep an open mind and at the very least attempt to read this book. I hope it will bring you new perspectives and bring you a little closer to understanding the struggles of people that are not like you.

It is my deepest hope that, like me, you're ready to fight.

Against racism.

Against sexism.

Against homophobia.

I'm tired of fear. Of caring what people will say. Their opinions aren't worth my time. We have battles to fight, and together we can win them.

Please, please, please let me know what you think about We Are Wildflowers. I would love to hear your feedback about my characters and my writing and plot.

But more than any of that, I hope this book starts discussions about the inequalities in our country, and our world.

This is a work of fiction, but sometimes there is just as much truth in fiction as there is in reality. If we don't keep fighting our children and grandchildren will end up in a world not unlike the one I've created in this story.

We have to keep talking about these things. Don't let reading novels about oppressed women and people of color be a trend.

Don't let equality for the LGBTQ+ community be a trend.

Don't let George Floyd's murder or the black lives matter movement be a trend.

Keep fighting. Keep speaking up. Keep protesting. It will matter in the end.

Thank you all for taking the time to read my little novel and I hope it finds a special place in your hearts.

Stay inspired!

- M I R A N D A

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