~ A boy named Sebb ~

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{Monty's POV}
i can't wait to get home from school. don't get me wrong i love seeing my friends but school is just so tiring and boring. specially when you have maths on the last lesson of the day. it was a few minutes before we could go and i already packed everything in my bag. even though our teacher hates it when we do this i didn't care.

the bell went and i grabbed my stuff and walked as fast as i could out of there. All i wanted to do was go home and sleep. i was so exhausted. it normally takes about 20 minutes to walk all the way home depending on how i felt that day. as soon as i got home i opened the door and went upstairs. i didn't even say hi to my mum and dad or my sister, i was just so exhausted and i wanted space to myself. i got changed into more comfy clothes, that being some grey joggers and a hoodie and i just laid in bed. before i knew it i had fallen asleep.

that's until i heard my sister, queenie started to shake me and say "wake up now, you are missing dinner" i huffed and said "okay okay i'm awake now can you stop shaking me" she just laughed and walked downstairs. i put my phone in charge and went downstairs to go eat.
"you didn't even say hi to us when you came home from school monty is everything alright?" my mum said as we was eating. i smiled at her and said "yeah yeah everything's fine i was just really exhausted that's all" she smiled at me and said "aw okay then".

after i ate i went upstairs and just laid in bed scrolling on my phone. i was scrolling though tiktok to see if anything new was happening and that's until i came across this boy's account. i don't know what it had to do with his account but as soon as i saw it, i was drawn to it almost instantly. i was scrolling though most of his videos that he had posted and they was all so good, he was such a good actor when he did his POVs, everything he did was amazing. his dancing was so good. i found myself liking every post he had made which took me about two hours and i hadn't even realised i had until i got to the top. i saw he has posted a new one, it was him dancing. he looked so good when he was dancing i couldn't keep my eyes off it. he looked so hot and his eyes was amazing.

wait. wait, no did i just say he looked hot? i'm not even gay? i'm straight! i don't even like men like that, but maybe saying that is just in like a normal friendly way? the words span around my head like i was on a really fast ride and i couldn't get off it. why was i thinking like this? i don't even know him yet i think like this. i couldn't help but think of him. i thought maybe it wouldn't hurt if i just drop him a hi in his dm's, that's not weird right? i tried to prove to myself that what i was doing was okay.

monty - hi, i'm monty, i just wanted to say hi and that maybe we could be friends? i love your videos they are amazing!

just sending that message alone made me feel really anxious and scared. what if he thinks i'm weird? or doesn't wanna be friends? i mean he has more followers then me and i haven't even posted anything because i've been way to scared to incase people from my school saw and bullied me, even more then they already do. before i could even let anymore thoughts come into my head my phone pinged. i picked it up and unlocked it so fast I nearly dropped it.

sebb - hi monty! i'm sebb, i would love to be friends, and aww thankyous so much! i'm glad you like them :)

my heart was pumping so fast at this point, i don't even know why, but the fact he said wanted to be friends just made me smile so much but i felt so anxious too. i'm not the best when it comes to making friends so all this was new and I liked it but also was terrified of it incase i fuck it up and he actually doesn't want to be my friend like most people did at school. i had to get ride of those thoughts and put them at the back of my head because right now i need to think of a response.

monty - i love them! i wish I had as much confidence as you do to post anything

crap. what if he thinks i'm just really creepy now? i shouldn't have said that. there is no point panicking now, it's been sent and he's seen it. shit he's seen it.

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