~ Wedding ~

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{Monty's POV}
today was the day. the day i didn't want to happen but yet again i had no choice in the matter. sebb was currently downstairs making pancakes for us while i packed everything away in sebb's room. the feeling of leaving sebb but also not left a sour taste lingering around my mouth that i didn't know i had or even why it was there to begin with. i knew sebb would be coming with me but it still felt like i part of me was leaving him. i didn't want to go home and be away from sebb and sebb's mum and the isle of wight. i'm gonna miss everything. the way sebb makes me smile. the way he makes me laugh. the way he brightens everything around me. the way he makes me feel special. i didn't even notice that tears was now falling down my cheeks slowly. "hey monts hows the packing g- monts whats wrong??" sebb said now sitting down on the bed and moving everything so i could sit next to him. "i don't want to leave sebb, please don't make me leave" i said now sobbing into sebb's arms as he held me. great. now his top has tear stains all over it. "hey hey shhhh monty, ill be with you remember?" he said rubbing my back to soothe me. soon i had calmed down and looked up to look at sebb. i felt butterflies bubble inside me as he looked into my eyes, still holding me. i felt safe, i felt like this was meant to be. in sebb's arms. "you okay now monts?" he asked softly at me. i nodded as i cuddled a little more into his arms. i didn't care that the bubbles in my stomach was growing more and more. i just loved the feeling of being in sebb's arms and having him protect me. i felt safe. sebb didn't mean to mind as he wrapped his arms around me more and just held onto me until i felt better.

"sebb monty what time you two l-" sebb's mum said walking into sebb's room. "am interrupting on something boys?" she asked confused but had a concerned tone to her voice. "no no julie your not" i said moving from sebb to finish packing. i felt an empty space away from me because i wasn't in sebb's arms and i didn't like it. i didn't feel safe no more. "okay what time you leaving boys?" she asked looking at us both as i wiped away my tear stained cheeks and wet eyes. sebb's mum gave me a concerned look and smiled at me. i smiled back. "about 9" i said unenthusiastically. it's not like i didn't want to see my family or anything, i just wanted to spend time with sebb and sebb only. like we we meant to.

{Sebb's POV}
i hated seeing monty upset. i hated seeing him cry, it broke my heart. even though a part of me doesn't understand why he was so upset, that didn't matter right now. what mattered was trying to cheer him up. seeing the the smile that always grew from ear to ear was one of my favourite things about him. the way his smile would always make me smile no matter the day i had or how i was feeling that day, it always put a smile on my face and made me feel warm. i wasn't going to put pressure on him to tell me why he was so upset, he can tell me in his own time and i'm gonna be there for him when he does.

monty was done packing now as i helped him, and we was all ready to leave. my mum was going to drive us to the station and we would be both getting the train back to monty's home town. i was nervous, i didn't want to show it though as i already know how upset monty was so i didn't want to add my nerves to the bad mixture of feelings that was already there. it will be my first time meeting his family, not just his mum and dad, but also his cousins and baby cousins. that was the part that scared me the most. i think it scared me the most as i'm worried how they will act with me. what if they don't like me? what if they hate me? or i say something bad? no. stop it sebb. stop thinking like that. "sebb you alright?" monty asked looking at me as we got into my mums car. "oh me yeah i'm okay" i said trying to sound positive as i could without giving it away. "you are nervous aren't you?" he asked moving his hand onto my leg to comfort me. i wasn't gonna argue with him or question on how he could tell, as it's monty. monty knew me more then i knew myself so it didn't surprise me that he could tell how i was feeling straight away. i just nodded as he smiled at me and told me that everything would be okay and there was nothing to be nervous about as they will love me.

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