~ Beach day ~

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{Monty's POV}
i woke up to the smell of something sweet. i looked at the bed and sebb wasn't there. i got up and grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. sebb was stood with a pan in his hand making pancakes. a small humming noice came from his mouth as i sat down onto the table. "oh good morning monts" sebb said as he turned around smiling at me. i was still surprised how someone can still look that good even in the morning. his hair was messy, his warming smile, the way the sun shines though his eyes as he looks at me. "want some pancakes?" he asked, breaking me way from my little trance i had as sebb looked at me with a little confused look to his face. "of course" i said smiling back at him. there was a song playing through sebb's phone and he started to dance around the kitchen. he was so cute the way he danced around the room and sang, seeing him be himself and happy made my heart skip.

"good morning boys" sebb's mum said, walking into the kitchen and pouring herself a cup of coffee. i smiled "good morning" i said as she sat down next to me. sebb turned around smiling at me and looking into my eyes. we stared into each other's eyes for what felt minutes but it was only for a few seconds before sebb's mum broke our trance. "am i interrupting something or?" she said looking at us both. i could feel my cheeks burning bright red. i put my hands over my cheeks to try and calm them down so no one saw. "oh erm no" sebb said stuttering like he was nervous. "oh okay" sebb's mum said before getting up and walking into the living room. i could still feel my cheeks burning red as sebb sat next to me with his plate of pancakes. "so i thought we would go to the beach today, if that's okay with you monts, it's alright if not" he said looking away from his pancakes to look at me. "of course it is, i would love that" i said smiling.

once we was done i helped sebb clean the kitchen up and we went upstairs to get ready. i hadn't really packed much clothes so i put in my ripped jeans a hoodie. "you can get changed in here if you like, i don't mind" sebb said smiling at me as he picked out his clothes. "thank you" i said smiling shyly at him. i got changed and sebb was doing his hair. sebb looked so perfect today, i mean yes he looks perfect everyday but he wore ripped jeans with blue hoodie with his hair perfectly in place. "you ready?" sebb asked looking at me. i nodded and we walked out of his room.

{Sebb's POV}
going to the beach was one of my favourite things to do. and now i get to do that with monty made it even better. i know to some people would think going to the beach in the middle of September in england would be boring and that it would just be cold and miserable, but there was something about going there that made me feel at ease, like any negative stuff or fears i had would be washed away to the sound the the water hitting the pebbly sand.

me and monty walked around the beach for a bit before we decided to sit down and relax. i got out a blanket that i had packed into my bag and played my favourite playlist from my phone. we was just singing and messing around. seeing monty smile and be happy made me so happy, i loved seeing him smile and laugh around. i picked up a few pebbles and threw them into the water, i watched as it skipped the water. the sound was so calming and made me feel at ease. "sebb sebb watch me do it" monty said tugging at my hoodie as he smiled widely at me. his eyes looked so innocent like a little child looking around a sweet shop. i watched as he threw it in and we both watched as it skipped the water. everything felt so perfect, hanging around with my best friend at one of my favourite places in the world, it just couldn't get any better.

{Monty's POV}
watching sebb smile and laugh made me so happy, but the only thing was it made my feelings from him become even more strong. this wasn't meant to happen. i was meant to see him and the feelings just go away and it all just be stupid little feelings because i was confused but it's not working out like that. when he smiled at me and laughed, oh his smile and laugh. it was the most perfect thing. how he could make a whole room light up with just his smile and his laugh was so contagious i couldn't help but laugh with him. i know i could never tell him how i truly feel about him because he's straight and it'll never happen, hiding secrets from him was hard because he's my best friend and we tell each other anything but i can't tell him this. it'll ruin everything and losing him, i can't bare to think about. "monty you alright? you have been spacing out for a while" he said looking at me. shit this wasn't meant to happen. "oh yeah i'm okay don't worry" i said smiling at him. he gave me the look of "i don't believe you but we can talk about later" sorta look as he smiled at me.

we decided to walk about a bit more. i saw a small ice cream place and immediately got excited. "sebby can we go get ice cream please?" i asked, it made me sound like such a child but i didn't care. "of course we can monts" he said smiling at me and chuckling softly at how giddy i was. i grabbed his hand and pulled him with me as i ran to the place. "calm down there monts" sebb said laughing at how excited i was being and how much of a child i was acting. i let go of his hand, the butterflies in my stomach started to grow more as my heart raced. "what flavour would you two boys like?" a young lady behind the counter asked. "erm i'll take coffee and monty what would you like?" i asked turning around to look at him. "mint chocolate please" he said quietly. the lady nodded. we got our ice cream and continued to walk down the beach.

{Monty's POV}
i took a bit of my ice cream and wiped it onto sebb. "hey cheeky come back" sebb said as he chased me. i ran but soon enough i got out of breath and stopped. i turned around and i couldn't see him. but then he tapped me on the shoulder and wiped some of his ice cream onto my nose. "ha i got you back" he said smiling proudly at himself. "i'll get you back later" i said sticking my tongue out at him.

"what time is it sebby?" i asked looking at him. "it's around 6, we should probably head home" he said smiling at me but had a sad tone to his voice. "i know you are sad we have to go home but we have 6 more days together sebby" i said smiling at him. "it'll be the best 6 days monts" sebb said smiling at me. "it really will sebby" i said smiling back at him. we got back and i started to feel sleepy. "wanna watch a movie that way if you fall asleep we won't miss anything because we would have seen it?" sebb asked as he sat in his bed. i nodded my head. "i'm just gonna take a shower i'll be back" sebb said getting up and going to his bathroom. while he was in the shower, i grabbed my phone and looked at the tik toks we filmed at the beach. i couldn't help but fall more in love with him. the way he smiled at me, his laugh and the way made me feel when i was with him.

sebb walked out of the room with only his towel wrapped around his body. i felt my eyes trail his body as he walked in. "i erm just forget my pjs" he said breaking my trance i had. i could feel my cheeks start to burn bright red as he stood their looking at me. "oh erm it's okay" i said stuttering, why am i acting like this around him? he's gonna think i'm a right weirdo now. he grabbed some pjs and walked back into the bathroom. i tried to calm down my burning cheeks so i don't embarrass myself anymore then i already have. my heart was racing more then ever. sebb sat down next to me. "so what do you wanna watch then?" he asked smiling at me. "erm friends?" i asked. he nodded and grabbed the remote and put it on the tv.

i was sat up as sebb moved closer to me. both our arms was brushing past each other's softly. i could feel my heart racing faster and faster. i looked to the side where sebb was sat and he had his eyes glued to his phone so i don't think he noticed. i started to rub my eyes sleepily as the time went along and before i knew it i had fallen asleep.

{Sebb's POV}
i was just scrolling on my phone for some inspiration on tiktok when all of sudden i felt monty's arm fall on my stomach. i don't know why but it didn't freak me out, maybe because he had done it before? this is okay right as best friends? i tried to convince myself that what was happening was perfectly okay and don't weird. i felt pretty tired myself so i turned off the tv without waking monty up and wrapped a blanket around him and me and fell asleep peacefully.

i'm so sorry for not updating as much as possible, i will try and get more out <3

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 𝟷𝟽27

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