~ The school bullies ~

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{Sebb's POV}
i woke up around 6am, i usually wake up early, even on weekends. it was friday so i didn't really have much to today, part from film some tiktok. i grabbed my phone and decided to text monty. i really wanted to get closer to him, he really did seem so sweet and caring.

sebb - good morning monty, i hope you slept well, and i hope you have a good day today x
almost instantly i got a texted back.
monty - hiya! good morning sebb , i slept okay, you? and thank you so much, i have school today sadly :( but i probably will be able to text you throughout the day though, i hope that's okay? x

aww he's so thoughtful, and oh yeah, i forgot he had school today. i felt myself feeling sad as my heart hurt as i knew he probably couldn't text me as much as i hoped.
sebb - i slept okay too thank you, and don't worry that's okay, i understand. i hope you have a good day at school and if anything bad happens, please let me know so i know you are okay and safe x

i didn't like the fact that he got bullied at school. i understand how he felt though because i used to as well. i wished i was their to tell them to leave him alone and protect him but i couldn't. i don't know why i was feeling like this, i didn't really know him yet, my heart hurt that i couldn't protect him or tell the bullies to piss off, i felt a tear fall down my cheek. why was i thinking like this? the words was all spinning around in my head and it's like i couldn't stop them.

{Monty's POV}
i had school today. yay how exciting. i know for a fact i'm going to get bullied for the tiktoks i have posted but did i care? no. well deep down i did, the words they would say and the things they would do really did hurt me but i tried my best to hide it and keep my emotions inside. it's the best that way, i thought anyway.

i wasn't expecting a text from sebb so when i did it made me smile, he was so caring and told me to tell him if anything bad happened to me while i was at school which made me smile and feel all warm inside. i got changed and put everything in my bag ready. i wasn't really feeling hungry today so i just grabbed an apple and went out the door. as i was walking to school i started texting sebb again, texting him made my day, it made me feel safe even if he wasn't with me or the fact i hardly knew him, it was just something about him that made me feel a certain way, it was hard to put into words as i've never felt like this before. i've never felt like i can really trust anyone so trusting him took a lot in me but I truly did feel like i could, at least i hope i can.

*time skip to break time*
it was break time now. yay. i mean all i do is sit on my own outside if it's not raining or in a classroom. i didn't really have many people to talk to and my friends would normally be with other people or in other lessons so i was alone most of break. i smile grew from my face as i realised that I wouldn't be alone, i have sebb to text.
monty - heya, i'm on break now but only for about 15 minutes but i can text you x
i immediately got a text back from him.
sebb - hiya, i've missed talking to you, and how are you doing? are you okay? has anything happened? x
did he really miss texting me? i missed talking to him, a lot honestly. and he's so caring about me.
monty - i've missed talking to you too sebb, and yeah yeah don't worry i'm okay, nothings happened yet don't worry x
i was half telling a lie because i was truly okay but he didn't need to know that, all he needed to know was if i was okay and i am now i'm texting him. it's like all the worry's go away when i text him.
sebb - okay, i'm glad you are okay. sorry if i seem annoying i'm just worried about you and i don't want anything bad to happen, i- x
monty - you? It's okay you can say anything x
It's like he was hiding something but wasn't ready to speak.

{Sebb's POV}
great sebb well done. he's probably gonna think i'm so weird and strange. he doesn't even know you that well and you don't even know him that well yet you just nearly said you don't wanna lose him.
monty - you? It's okay you can say anything x
shit he knows i'm hiding something. i might as well tell him otherwise it's just gonna get awkward.
sebb - well i was going to say.. i'm glad you are okay because i'm scared to loose you x
texting that made my cheeks go a light shade of pink and i don't know why. we have only been talking for a day yet i already just said i don't wanna lose him. which is true, i wanna get to know him better, i wanna be best friends with him.
monty - aww that's so sweet, don't worry sebb , you are never losing me. and i don't wanna lose you either x
my heart started beating really fast. i have no idea why because 1. i am straight and 2. i don't even know him that well yet I feel anxious to text him incase i fuck something up. him saying he doesn't want to lose me made me smile so much.
sebb - aww well i'm glad i won't lose you, and you won't lose me i promise x
Monty - i'm so glad, and i'm so sorry sebb but i've got to go now, i'll text you when i can x
i was sad that he had to go, but i had an idea when he can text me next but i'm anxious about it.
sebb- aw don't worry it's okay, hope you have fun x

{Monty's POV}
i was sad i couldn't text him again until i get home. i loved talking to him, he made me so happy and i haven't been this happy in a while so it was nice.

*skip time to nearly home time*
it was so close to being time to go home, to text sebb. i had an idea but i was anxious about it as i don't know if he will like it but I'm gonna try and ask at least. the bell went off and i got my stuff and started walking out. "where are you going?" i heard a faint voice. shit. i know who this is, the bully. i tried to just keep walking and ignoring him but i didn't work. "why are you ignoring me" i kept walking faster hoping they will just leave me. but he got close to me and pushed me against the wall. "i saw your tiktok you did, and it's disgusting". i was shaking at this point, i just wanted sebb to be here to protect me. i ran, quicker then i've ever ran before. i pulled my phone out and rang sebb, i wasn't thinking straight but i needed him with me as much as i could.

"are you okay monty?, you sound out of breath" he said. his voice was so calming and soothing. "i-i i cant breathe much" was the only thing i could get out. my breathing was heavy, and i couldn't control it. "hey shhhh now, listen to me okay monty? breathe in for 4 and out for 4 and just focus on your breathing and my voice everything will be okay" he said so calmly and i soon started to breath and relax. i thought i might as well tell him now. "hey can we facetime when i get home sebb?" i was scared about what he was going to say but i really wanted to see his face. "of course we can" he said back, I was so excited. "i'm nearly home now, thank you for helping me, see you soon" i said. "no worries i'll always help you, and see you soon" i ended the call and put my phone in my pocket. i got home and ran straight upstairs.

{Sebb's POV}
i was excited to face time him, that was actually my idea too so i'm glad he asked. i picked my laptop up and clicked face time. i soon saw him, he was sat smiling at me shyly. "heya sebb" he said shyly. i smiled at him and said hi back. "you okay monty?" i asked because I was worried about the call we had. "y-yeah i'm o-okays" he was stuttering as he spoke, i was more worried now, he was hiding something but I can't force him. "you sure? you can tell me anything i promise" i said smiling at him. "well i- was getting bullied for the tiktok i made and that's why i called you" he said, tears forming in his eyes and voice was shaky. "hey shhhh now, it's okay, i'm here okay? listen to me monty everything is okay, i wish i could hug you right now" i said, not thinking what i'm saying i just wanted to make him feel better. i wasn't lying though, i really did wish i could hug him. maybe some day I can. "aww thank yous so much sebb, it means a lot to me that you are so caring about me. i wish i could hug you too" he said back, slightly blushing. we spoke for about 2 hours until he said he had to go. i loved talking to him, it made it even better that I could see his face too. i've never wanted to meet someone as badly as i did with him, it was like we was meant to meet. i kept thinking in head, i soon enough ended up falling asleep with my phone in my hand.

okay so i'm sorry this is kinda bad i'm sorry, i'll try and get better ones out soon, any ideaswill be good 💙

𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 𝟷𝟽𝟼𝟹

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