~ Coming out to my best friend ~

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{monty's POV}
today's the day. the day i go meet sebb and tell him who i really am. the day i could either loose my best over how i am or get more closer to him. i have no clue how i'm going to come out. how do you? do you go "hey so i'm into boys the same as girls" or do i go into details? i'm gonna mess this up for sure. stop it monty. stop overthinking everything, you are gonna be fine. yes i'm gonna be okay. i said over and over again in my head like i was trying to convince myself that what i was saying was true.

i had a couple of hours before i had to get ready to go to the train station so i decided to go take a shower and play some music to try and calm my nerves down. the warm water hitting my skin was enough to calm me down almost instantly. the soft sounds of the music that was playing from my phone with the mixture of the sound of the water from the shower was perfect, it was bliss. i had no worries at all. i just let my mind wonder as a sang along with the music. once i was done, i got changed and went downstairs. the smell of warm cinnamon and coffee hit me as soon as entered the kitchen, immediately making me think of sebb. the way his hoodies would always smell like warm cinnamon like the scent from the christmas candles. "morning monty, want anything to eat? or drink?" my mum asked as i sat down on the kitchen table. "no i'm okay thank you though mum" i said smiling. "what time are you leaving to go to sebb's monty?" she asked. i smiled instantly as she asked. "around 11 so in about 10 minutes" i said smiling at her. "okay well hope you have fun!" my mum said smiling at me as went into the living room.

{Sebb's POV}
the time till i was going to meet monty at the train station was taking forever. i was just sat in my bedroom watching the time go by. every second that went felt like ages. i just couldn't wait to hug him again and see his smile again and hear his laugh again.

finally, it was 10:50. i got ready and said bye to my mum and set off to meet monty. my nerves was jolting around my body with a mixture of excitement. i have no clue why i was so nervous, he's my best friend and i've met him before yet, it feels like i'm meeting him all over again for the very first time. i got to the train station and i couldn't see him. i thought it was best to call him to make sure he's safe. "hey monts where abouts are you?" i said my voice was slightly had a worried tone to it and i don't know why. "about 5 minutes away from the stop sebby i'll be with you soon" he said i could tell he was smiling and that made me smile. "okay see you soon monts" and with that i lent against the wall waiting for him.

there he was. the looked so confused but it looked cute. wait. cute? i'm straight why am i thinking like this? i mean monty is cute and calling him that is okay right? i put these thoughts to the back of my head because i was way too excited to see him. i didn't really think about what i was doing but i just ran and jumped hugged him. i had missed him so much even though it's only been a couple of weeks max, it felt like a months. i ended up causing him to fall onto the floor with me landing on top. "ahhh hey sebby" he said laughing as i helped him up. "sorry just missed you lots" i said looking at the floor like i was too shy and embarrassed to look him in the eyes. "aww it's okay sebby i have missed you lots too" he said with a slight blush spreading onto his cheeks. without thinking i grabbed one of his hands and pulled him out the train station. why was i doing this again? i did this the last time, he must think i've lost it. "sebb i can walk you know" monty said sarcastically making me let go of his hands and laughing nervously. why was i acting like this? i never act like this around him? i pushed the thoughts to the back of my head again as i opens the door.

my mum had gone out with her friends so it was just me and monty. i loves it when it was like this, i love spending time with him and him only. it makes me feel like that we get closer and closer each time we are together. "sooo monty what do you wanna do today then?" i asked excitedly and happy as i sit down onto my bed. that's weird monty doesn't sit down, normally he's the first person to jump onto my bed. "monty you alright?" i asked now getting worried as he hasn't said anything since we got here. "oh yeah i'm.. erm yeah i'm okay" he said looking back down on the floor before then sitting on my bed. "monty whats the-" before i could even finish my sentence i was cut off. "sebb i need to say something but you must promise me you won't tell anyone else, please i beg" he said his voice shaky like he's holding back from crying. i wonder what's got him so nervous?

{Monty's POV}
i need to tell him now. i can't keep this weight on my shoulder for much longer. "sebb i need to say something but you must promise me you won't tell anyone else, please i beg" i said my voice shaking as i try and hold my tears back. he just nods and moves closer to me. "sebb please i mean it" i said, the thought of other people finding out scares me too much. "hey hey calm i promise i won't, i would never" he said placing his hand onto my leg to comfort me. i ignore the butterflies that are now rushing around my body.  "sebb there is something i have been hiding from you, and it's not that i don't trust you, it's just i wasn't ready to come to terms with it but i think i am now. sebb i love both boys and girls and it's okay if you don't want to be my friend anymore because of that i can completely understand and i'm sorry that i am like this." tears was now rolling down my cheeks. "hey hey come here. monty you will always be my best friend i don't care that you love boys just like you love girls, that is perfectly okay, that doesn't change you, i will always be here, you are my best friend and that is never gonna change" he said. i didn't know what to say so i just held onto him. i hugged him like i was scared to lose him. it felt like a weight off my shoulder but then the ping to my heart knowing he's straight and would never like me back. i tried pushing the thoughts away as it'll ruin everything and i can't bare losing him over that.

"monty wanna watch a movie and order takeaway?" sebb said smiling softly at me. oh but that smile, how it shines so bright and makes me feel so happy and loved in one. "monty?" i was snapped away from my thoughts with sebb calling my name. "oh yeah thank you" i said trying to not sound so surprised. he ordered us both pizza and put on of my favourite films. how he can remember everything about me makes me so happy, the little things he knows and remembers about me just makes me fall more and more in love with him.

{Sebb's POV}
i'm so very proud of monty for telling me who he really is. i don't know why he thought i would leave him, i would never. he's my best friend and will always be. we was currently sat on my bed watching monty's favourite film as we stuffed pizza into our mouths. monty looked so much more happier now and it made me feel so happy, i loved seeing him laugh and smile.

my phone started to buzz "i'm gonna go take this if that's alright monty?" i asked getting up and gesturing to my phone. he nodded yes and i stood up to take the call. "hey kt what is it?" i asked. "we was gonna throw another party tomorrow night if you and monty feel like coming" she said. "i would love it but you know how he is with things like that" i said looking at monty who looked more confused then ever. "yeah yeah okay, i'll see what i can do, okay bye" and with that i put my phone on my bedside table and sat back down next to monty. "what was all that about?, have i done something?" monty asked genuinely worried and concerned. "no no don't be silly, kt just asked if we wanted to come to a party tomorrow night" i said smiling at him. "but i know how you are with them so i-" before i could even finish my sentence monty spoke. "of course i'll come" he said smiling widely at me. "okay good because it'd be boring without you" i said smiling.

we kept talking until monty soon started to fall asleep, he had his arm wrapped around my waist and his head laying in my stomach. i don't know why but it felt nice, it felt comfortable and i wasn't gonna move him off me because he's asleep he probably doesn't know what he's doing. and with that i fell asleep with monty in my arms.

hey guys! sorry it's been so long since i updated, just been struggling with motivation and ideas but i'm back now! i'm not sure when i'll post next but it shouldn't be long 💕

𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 1727

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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