~ Saying goodbye ~

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{Sebb's POV}
⚠️mention of being sick is in this chapter, i have put a warning on the parts where it's mention, be careful ⚠️

i woke up to my head pounding, it wasn't too bad as i didn't get completely drunk last night. i looked down to see monty still fast asleep with one arm wrapped around my waist. it didn't really bother me much as he's my best friend and i'm straight so it's okay right? i thought in my head as i was still lost in my own train of thoughts and i hadn't realised monty was now waking up. "good morning oh i'm-" he said looking down at where is arm was and moving it quickly away and sat up on his bed, his cheeks blushing bright red. "it's alright monts" i said smiling at him. his hand was now resting on his forehead in pain from last night. "you want some painkillers and water?" i asked standing up. he nodded and tried standing up but i pushed him back lightly onto the bed. "no you stay there, i don't want you falling over" i said smiling at him. he didn't fight in stead he just sat there on the bed and watched as i searches around for some painkillers. luckily i found some in my bag. i gave him a glass of water and the painkillers. "thank you sebby" he said smiling at me. once he took them and i did too we decided it was best we get ready.

{Monty's POV}
⚠️mention of being sick⚠️
why did i sleep with one of my arms wrapped around? he probably thought i was really weird now. why did have to drink so much last night. and with that i ran to the toilets to throw up. "hey monty you alright?" i heard sebb shout. "yeah.. i'm fine" i said as my voice broke as i sat there all weak. sebb walked though the bathroom door and sat down next to me. he didn't say anything he just rubbed my back soothingly which helped me calm down. "it's alright monts lets get you something to eat to make you feel better" he said as he helped me up off the floor. i sat down at the table as sebb made me some pancakes. "morning queenie" sebb said turning around and smiling at her. she sat down next to me and looked at confused and concerned. "monty you alright there?" she asked looking into my eyes. "yeah.. why wouldn't i be?" i asked slightly confused. "just asking cause it looks like you have seen a ghost" she said. "oh i'm o-" and with that i ran to the bathroom again. after i was done i just sat on the floor holding my hands to my head and i just let the tears pour down my cheeks. i didn't bother in stopping them, i just let them fall down, the more i did the harder my sobs was. i sobbed and sobbed until my top was now getting more and more wet as my tears fell down my face.
⚠️end of mention of sick⚠️
{Sebb's POV}
⚠️mention of being sick⚠️
i was making pancakes when monty had ran into the bathroom again. i put down the pan before running to bathroom. "queenie can you watch the pancakes for me please" i shouted as i went into the bathroom. and there he was, sat with his hands over his face tears all over his top with a mixture of sick. "monty are you okay?" i said getting down to his level and sitting into the cold bathroom floor. "sebb no you can't see me like this, i'm a mess" he said his voice breaking as he spoke. i didn't say anything i just grabbed and cold wash cloth and held my hands under his tear stained cheeks. "monty come on arms up so i can help you" i said softly to him so i didn't startle the fragile boy. and with that he did what i said, he held his arms in the air so i could take his top off. i chucked it into the washing basket and started to help wipe the tears mixed with sick off his face.
⚠️ end of mention of sick⚠️
after i was done i went into my room and grabbed him one of my hoodies to wear. i went back into the bathroom and he was sat on the floor with his arms covering his body. "it's okay monts don't be embarrassed around me, here wear one of my hoodies since your top is ruined" i said softly handing him the hoodie. he put it on and put the hood up over his hair and tucked his hands into sleeves. aw he looked adorable. i thought in my head, that's okay to say right? to a best friend that they look adorable. and with that i let my mind wonder and without thinking "you look adorable monts" i said my cheeks growing a shade of pink as i realised what i just said. "oh erm thanks" monty said awkwardly as his was tear stained cheeks turned in to now a bright shade of pink.

we left the bathroom and walked into the kitchen to where now all the girls was up and sat down. they all looked at me and monty confused but concerned. "you guys okay?" lily said looking at us both in the eyes. i nodded and monty just stood there. he didn't say anything, he didn't even nod his head. he looked up and slightly smiled at me then to lily and then put his head back down and looked at his hands. okay now i'm getting really worried, he's been doing this ever since he woke up. my phone buzzed in my back pocket of my jeans. i picked it up and it was the girl from last night. i just left it and put my phone back in my pocket. i can deal with that later. cheering monty up was my only priority right now. and with that i grabbed his hand and dragged him into his bedroom and shut the door. "sebb what are you d-" before he could finish his sentence i pulled him into a big hug. i didn't say anything i just hugged him. he tensed up a little at first but soon melted into the hug like he needed it but didn't want to ask. we broke away and he went back to looked at his hands again. "so monty, i know there is something wrong so do you want to talk about it?" i said calmly because i didn't want to make him panic as i know how much he struggles in opening up. "well erm sebb it's just" he said stuttering and breathing little more heavily. "it's okay take your time monts, i'm here" i said rubbing his arm to calm him down. "it's just. i feel like i'm being a burden on you. i mean it's the first time we properly meet and i go and throw up on you and now you have to see me like this and you watched me got so drunk that i didn't even remember why i was" he said taking a deep breath before tears formed in his eyes again. "hey look at me monty" i said looking into his eyes. "you are my best friend, and i don't care that you threw up on me, and you are not a burden okay? i will always be here to help cheer you up" i said pulling monty in for another hug. "i know, how about we do some little shopping before you have to get the train?" i said smiling. he cracked a little smile and nodded. i pulled my phone out my pocket at it was around 9. perfect we had plenty of time before we all have to go home. monty's train was at 1 and mine was at 2 and the girls was at 4 so we had perfect time.

{Monty's POV}
it always amazes me how sebb knows how to cheer me up no matter what. and with that we went back to where all the girls were. lily smiled at me and i smiled back this time not looking back down at my hands. i felt slightly happier, like a weight had been lifted of my shoulders. "so i've decided we are doing shopping before monts goes home" sebb said looking back over at me smiling. i could feel the butterflies start to grow inside of my again. he hasn't said my nickname in front of them, only to me so i felt my cheeks turn slightly pink as the girls looked at me then back at sebb. i smiled at sebb and we got going. we walked around a few shops, now and again i would look at sebb. the way he smiles made my stomach fill with butterflies. we walked into this little cafe, the whole cafe smelt of fresh coffee and cakes making me feel warm and welcomed. we sat down at a little table and everyone order. we spent 15 minutes when the girls got up. "we are gonna go do some shopping and let you guys have time to yourself" kt said smiling at us both. we nodded and with that they had left. just leaving me and sebb. "so what do you wanna do then?" i asked putting my hand under my chin and looking at him. "how about we do a little bit of shopping then head home and film so tik toks?" sebb said smiling warm at me. i nodded and with that we got going. we walked around a couple of shops, we thought it would be good if we got some more clothes since it was the last day and with that we was done. we started to head back to sebbs hotel. the butterflies was now growing more and more each time he looked at me and smiled. we decided to film a few dancing tiktok and i couldn't help but watch as he danced. sebb will always amaze me with how talented he really is. the girls had come back and sebb had an idea of doing a tiktok of all of us leaving. he started with the girls then it was my shot. he placed his hands in my hair and ruffled it. i couldn't help but feel the butterflies come back.

it was now time for me and queenie to catch the train home. i didn't want to go, the idea of maybe not seeing them for a while made me sad. everyone hugged me and queenie and said their goodbyes. sebb hugged me tightly "i'll miss you monts" sebb whispered into my ear making the butterflies grow more and more. i could feel my cheeks start to get hotter and hotter as we are so close. we broke away and i gave him a little smile. his eyes looked sad and i hated seeing him sad. "we can face time once i get home sebby" i said smiling. his sad eyes was now bright and excited, he has a huge warm smile plastered on his face. i waved goodbye as we sat on the train going back home. the weird feeling of sadness mixed with the butterflies sebb gave me was all i felt as left, wishing i could see him again.

hi guys! sorry that this is really bad but oh well <3

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 𝟷𝟿𝟹𝟸

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