~ Missing you like crazy ~

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{General POV}
it had been around 8 weeks since sebb and monty have seen each other, since they had hugged each other. they would face time every night and at any point they could but it still didn't feel the same as being next to each other.

{Monty's POV}
to say i missed sebb would be an understatement. i missed everything about him, how his smile could light up a whole room. how his laugh was so contagious and would always make me smile. how he made me feel safe whenever i was around him. how he made me so much more happier then i could ever be. these past 8 weeks i had been thinking about him and about me and how he had made me feel whenever i was around him or whenever he looked at me and smiled. i knew one thing, and that i was into boys as well as girls. but i hadn't came out to anyone, not even sebb. that can be for another day. my feelings for him was still strong but i did anything in my way to push them out my head whenever we face timed. i can't bare to lose him as my best friend just over some stupid feelings. i knew he was straight and nothing was going to change that, as much as it hurt me it was the reality.

*buzz* *buzz* my phone started to ring. i picked it up off my bed and it was sebb. i smiled immediately and slides the accept. "hey monts, i know we haven't seen each other for about 8 weeks and i was wondering if you wanted to come over to the Isle of Wight and spend the day here" sebb said. "of course, definitely. what time?" i asked smiling widely. "get the train around 1 and i'll be meeting outside the train stop for you" he said, i could tell he was excited and happy and that made me smile more. "okay i'm gonna get ready now see you soon sebby" i said smiling. "see you soon monts" and with that i closed my phone and placed it on back on my bed. i quickly took and shower and grabbed one my favourite top and ripped jeans and got changed. i grabbed my bag and stuffed it with a few things that i would need while i spent over at his.

i ran downstairs extremely giddy and excited. "woah calm down there monty, what got you so excited?" my mum said as i walked into the kitchen. "sebb asked if i wanted to spend the day over at his" i said with a smile plastered onto my face as i grabbed some toast to eat. "aww hope you have fun" she said smiling at me.

it was now 1 and i was sat excitedly on the train. my legs bouncing up and down with a mixture of excitement and nerves. why was i feeling so nervous? it's sebb i've met him before. yet it feels like i'm meeting him all over again. the train stopped and i got off. there he was. standing across from me. he didn't see me and i don't know what i was thinking but i ran and jumped hugged him. my legs wrapping around his waist as he held me. butterflies now erupting in my stomach. we stayed like this for what felt like a life time but it was only a few minutes until we both let go. "i've missed you like crazy" sebb said now smiling so widely at me. "i've missed you like crazy too" i said smiling at him just as widely. we looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before sebb grabbed my hand and started to walk out of the train station. i could feel my cheeks turning pink and my heart racing like crazy.

{Sebb's POV}
monty jumped hugged me and wrapped his legs around my waist. i didn't want the hug to stop, but it had to. we both broke away from the hug and just smiled like crazy. "i've missed you like crazy" i said smiling so widely looking at him. "i've missed you like crazy too" he said smiling just as widely as me. and with that i grabbed his hand and walked out the train station and walked to my house which wasn't that far away.

i let go of his hand and looked at him, his cheeks slightly pink which was cute. cute? that's okay to call your best friend right? i pushed that though to the back of my head as i went to open the door. before i could monty tugged onto my top nervously. "what's wrong monts?" i asked confused but concerned. "what if your mum doesn't like me? or what if i disappoint her" he said looking down at his hands. "don't worry monty, she'll like you i promise" i said reassuring him. he gave me a little smile and i opened the door. monty was stood behind me with his hands tucked into his jean pockets. "mum meet monty, monty meet my mum" i said smiling at monty. he moved a bit closer and smiled. "aw hi monty" my mum said giving monty a welcoming hug. monty to have seemed to become more comfortable which i was glad about.

"monty do you want a tour around my house?" i asked smiling at him. he nodded his head. "so this is the kitchen, and this is the living room, the bathroom is upstairs across from my bedroom. and this is my room" i said smiling at him. he smiled back at me and nodded his head. "you can put your bags in the little corner of my room and that can be your little area where you put your bag there if you want?" i said not realising that i was just rambling on. he put his bag down and sat on my bed, he looked like he was shaking. "monts you cold?" i asked looking at him. he smiled at me "no i'm n..not" he said slightly stuttering which i could tell he was lying. i walked to my wardrobe and pulled out one of my blue and white hoodies and handed it him. "whats this for?" he said looking at me confused. "you are cold so i thought i'd give you one of my hoodies so then your not cold" i said smiling at him. "thankyous sebby" he said and put the hoodie on.

"so monty you know how i said stay for a day, how about you stay for a week?" i asked kinda nervous to see what he would think. he had a huge smile on his face and his eyes widen. "wait really?" he said excitedly. "of course, if that is okay with you?" i asked. "of course it is!" he said tackling me with a hug.

{Monty's POV}
spending a week with sebb felt like a dream. i've missed him like crazy and now i get to spend a whole week with him. just me and him, and him and me. "so what do you want to eat for dinner then" sebb asked as he got up to grab his phone from the bedside table. "hmm how about we order pizza?" i asked smiling at him. sebb nodded and with that he ordered pizza for us both. "wanna watch a movie tonight?" sebb asked siting back down on the bed next to me. "can we watch wreck it ralph?" i asked. "of course" sebb said grabbing his laptop and putting it on. i sat next to him and cuddled into the hoodie. sebbs clothing always smelt amazing, it was hard to put into words but it did. it was like a scent you smell that makes you feel at home, that makes you feel safe, almost like a comfort scent.

i started to feel sleepy, my eyes felt heavy but i wanted to stay awake and finish the movie with sebb. i didn't want to sleep yet, i wanted to spend all the time i can with him. sebb wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer and started playing with my curls in my hair. which immediately made my heart race like crazy and butterflies grow even more. "you are tired so i thought i'd help you sleep" he said softly to me. and within minutes i had fallen asleep. dreaming of all the ideas that i could do with him for this week, i couldn't wait. a week with sebb will be the best week ever.

i hope you liked this chapter, sorry it was kinda all over the place, i have some ideas for more chapters so they should be some out soon. ily guys and make sure you take care of yourself <3

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 1482

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