~ One more shot doesnt hurt, right? ~

250 11 1

TW - the mention of excessive drinking. i don't wanna trigger people

{Sebb's POV}

*the night before the party*

it was midnight and i was laying on my bed at the hotel. i should be asleep as we had a party to go to but i couldn't. the thought of monty was running around though my head. i don't know why because i'm straight and i'm pretty sure monty is too and he's my best friend, so i shouldn't be thinking like this. i was excited about the party as we haven't done one in so long and it'll be fun, yet for some reason the thought of the prom gave me butterflies. i plugged my phone in and decided i might as well try and sleep and that maybe when i wake up the thoughts will be gone and everything will be normal.

*in the morning*

i woke up to lily shaking my arm. "what what i'm up what's happening" i said confused. "we are going out for breakfast in about 10 minutes so get ready" she said smiling at me then walking down to the girls room in the hotel. it was just me in the hotel and the thoughts of monty was still in my head. i don't understand as i'm straight yet the thought of monty made me have butterflies. speaking on monty, he had walked in just as i was getting changed. "i just wanted to ask w- oh" he said, his cheeks blushing the same colour of a tomato as he just stands there shocked. "oh erm sorry" i said while i grabbed my top and try and hide my body from him. "no no it's okay" monty said smiling shyly at me. i quickly got my top on and brushed my hair and walked up to monty who was still standing at the door shyly. "so what did you wanna ask me?" i said smiling at him. "i was gonna ask w-what you wanted for breakfast" monty said stuttering as he placed his hands into his pockets of his jeans awkwardly.

{Monty's POV}
i woke up and lily had told us we are gonna got our for breakfast today. i got ready and i went to walk into sebb's room to see what he was wanted for breakfast. i pushed open his hotel room door to see him stood there with no top. great. as things couldn't get any awkward for me i just had to walk in on my best friend getting changed. i couldn't help but stand there in shock. my cheeks blushing redder then a tomato. "oh erm sorry" sebb said while he tried covering up his body with his top. sebb seemed just as awkward as i was as his cheeks was now glowing and he was stuttering as he spoke. i was still stood near the door as he got changed and brushed his hair. he started walking up to me and my heart immediately started racing again. "so what did you wanna ask me?" sebb said smiling at me. his smile was so warm and sweet making my cheeks blush a faint pink colour. "i was gonna ask w-what you wanted for breakfast" i said smiling shyly at him. well done monty for stuttering. "oh probably a coffee and a cupcake maybe" sebb said smiling at me. "okay well lily is waiting for us in the girls room so we better get going" i said. sebb nodded as we both left.

*at the cafe shop*

once we got to the cafe i sat down next to sebb while lily and kt went to go order. queenie was sat across from me and kept looking at me then at sebb and winking. i couldn't help but feel my cheeks turning pink. i placed my hand over my cheeks trying to calm them down the best i can while not looking to weird. "monts you alright?" sebb asked smiling at me with a concerned look to his face. "oh y-yeah i'm okay" i said smiling trying to hide my now burning red cheeks as he smiled at me. lily and kt had come back with our drinks and food. i was sat scrolling through my phone while everyone else was talking and eating. i decided to check on my tik tok i did with sebb and see how well it did. that's when i started to see comments about me and sebb.
"i ship them so hard"
"monty definitely likes sebb"
"monty can't be straight look at the way he looks at sebb"
i don't know why but reading the comments made my heart race. do people really think that? what about sebb? what he reads them and thinks i'm completely weird and doesn't want to me my friend anymore? "monty you okay? you seem to be glued to your phone" sebb said chuckling a little. "oh y-yeah i'm okay just looking at tik tok ideas" i said with a nervous laugh hoping he wouldn't ask any more questions. "ah okay, find any?" he asked smiling at me. "oh erm not yet" i said smiling. i put my phone in my pocket and tried to slow my breathing down. "guys we should probably head back to the hotel now and get ready for the party. we all nodded and walked home.

{sebb's POV}
once we got back from the cafe monty has been acting weird. i thought maybe because of the party as it will be big and loud and i know how he doesn't like being with loads of people he doesn't know. "hey monts you sure you alright? you seem off" i asked as we walked into my hotel room. "i'm okay don't worry" he said fast like he was nervous. "is it because of the party?" i asked looking into his eyes. "erm yeah" he said looking down at his hands. "it's alright monts, i'll be with you and i won't leave you on your own" i said smiling at him. "thank you sebby" he said back smiling at me.

*skip to the time for the party*

it was time for the party. the room was filled with our friends and other people who i didn't really know that well. i was stood with the drinks with monty. "what drink do you want?" i asked slightly raising my voice because of the loud music that was playing around us. "erm i'll have a vodka and coke shot please" he said smiling at me. i nodded and proceeded to pour me and him and drink. we was stood talking, both laughing and giggling around as the alcohol start to set in.

{monty's POV}
me and sebb was stood with the alcohol just laughing and giggling around, it was fun. the alcohol had kicked into us both. "i'm going to the toilet i'll be back" i said shouting at sebb as i wobbled my way to the bathroom. once i was done i walked out to go find sebb again and drink more with him. "sebb?" i said because i couldn't see him. oh. i found him. he was stood with this girl who i don't really know and what looked like they was both trying to eat each other. i looked away and went over the the drinks. i didn't bother pouring myself i drink or a shot i just took the whole bottle and the cups and went and sat outside on the balcony. "one more shot doesn't hurt right?" i said to myself to some what justify what i was doing.

why did it hurt so much? it's like i has been crushed in the heart like when your crush likes someone else and not you. but i don't even like him right? maybe i'm just drunk and that's why. maybe all this will go away in the morning. maybe sebb doesn't like that girl and he's just drunk and doesn't know what's he doing. yeah that's right, it's just a little crush and it'll go away. i'm just confused thats all. and with that i was drinking and drinking like it was nothing. "oh they you are monts" sebb said looking at me. "what's wrong?" he said sitting down next to me with a confused look on his face. his lips was red from whatever that girl was doing to him. i hadn't even realised that tears was now pouring down my cheeks. my tears making me choke as i tried to stop them, tears mixed with alcohol wasn't the best as i threw up all over sebb. great. he will definitely hate me now. "let's get you back to the hotel shall we" he said helping me get up. "i'm sorry sebb" was the only thing i could choke out as the tears was still steaming down my cheeks. the bottle of alcohol was now empty in my hand. "lily can you come help me and monty" sebb shouted as he held onto me. lily came outside and took one look at me and then at sebb and looked so concerned and confused. "what happened, is everything alright?" she asked as she held the other side of me. i couldn't talk. it was like my mouth had my glued shut. "i don't know i went looking for him and he was outside crying and threw up all over me" he said looking down at me with a smile sadness to his eyes. why was he feeling sad? i'm the on in the mess and he doesn't even know anything about it.

{Sebb's POV}
we got back to his hotel, i helped him get changed as he was pretty drunk. i still don't know why he was so drunk or why he was crying. maybe he was just drunk? that's why he was crying?. i mean i was pretty drunk myself and i regret kissing that girl. i didn't even know what i was doing. i got changed as monty had thrown up all over me. queenie was asleep in her room so didn't see me and monty which was good. i plugged in both our phones as they had died and got into his bed. i didn't want to leave him when he's like this so i thought i'd sleep with him that way i can make sure he's okay. i layed down and closed my eyes as my head was now hurting. i was just about to fall asleep when i felt monty's arms wrap around my waist. i looked down then at him and he was fast asleep. i didn't bother moving them as it was nothing he probably doesn't even know he's doing it and honestly it feels comforting. i closed my eyes and soon enough i had fallen asleep my head still pounding from all the alcohol in my body.

hey guys! so i'm sorry for not posting much but i hope you like this chapter, i know it's a little sad but it'll get happier i promise <3

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 𝟷𝟾𝟹𝟻

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