Chapter 26: Truth Now Told

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Jennie's POV

"Did I made you wait?"

I look up to see Lee Taeyong. "I'm sorry I'm late, I had to deal with something before coming here," he explained.

He's wearing a black sweatshirt with cap, mask and sun glasses. Well, he's a well-known man, he needs to disguise since we are in public. He did removed his sunglasses for me to recognize him.

"Not really. And say, if you really are busy you don't need to squeeze me to your schedule," I said.

It's not that I don't want to be with him right now, it's just that I don't want to be a burden which I'm basically I am to him since this guy is busy, unlike me.

"You will never be a burden," he immediately responded which caught me off-guard.

This guy really knows how to make me fluster. I could feel blood rushing in my cheeks but I will try myself to ignore it.

I'm pretty sure you can comprehend what's the score between us. No, we are not yet dating but he's courting me, so yeah I gave him a chance reluctantly since I'll step out of my comfort zone but since I know I like him too, and I don't know why I don't want to ruin the chance (not that I hate nor dislike it), I gave him the chance.

In our relationship, nothing really changed, just the label and since he can read my face easily, he made it this way, in a very slowly pace, since he knows I don't want to step out of my comfort zone immediately but step by step, little by little.

But his essence really gives me great comfort, the best comfort I could ever asked (but I will never verbalized that) and I found myself looking forward in the time we will be together again.

Today is Saturday and he invited to have some fun and just like I said, I'm always looking forward in being with him, I accepted his invitation.

And of course, our relationship is isn't a secret to my brother, who immediately teased me after school, when I gave him a chance. I asked how did he know, he said that he knew it from Doyoung who was seaeching for me in the same time. I did gave him a piece of my mind but nothing can do since he already told everyone and everyone started to tease me, saying I'm maturing since I finally got someone I like.

As a retaliation, I told everyone that my brother like the Bae heiress.

I know my brother and I don't think he will do the things he does with the Bae heiress if he isn't interested. He was so obvious to that point words aren't needed to define how he feels about the heiress. Of course, it wasn't me who just noticed it, pretty much everyone, it's just that no one wanted to voice it out.

It's pretty ironic that we, siblings, the main descendants of the once king, likes the main calibers and the faces of the current deity hunting when they should be our enemies.

The heads seems to be wary about the situation but they know they can never control who makes our hearts beat faster due to anticipation and admiration. And accepted the situation with doubt, well that can't be help since they are just worry about our safety which is practically in danger because of them.

As for the others, they are also wary but like the heads, they were left no choice but to accept it and let us.

"So, where are we going today?" I asked.

"Outside the city, let's go."

Without warning, he took my wrist and pulled me outside the café where I was waiting for him.

Normally, if it was a random man who grab my wrist or just touched me, I would have already thrown him out in the space. I never like being touched by random guys, because of the trauma I've experienced when I was still a child, I grew physically away from strangers since I was always inside the state and never dared to go outside.

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