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While we were eating dinner Mr. and Mrs. Jung were telling me all about Jaehyun when he was a kid. We all were having a nice laugh with each other.

It felt like I belonged somewhere for once. I didn't expect a prince and his parents to be so close considering how busy kings and queens would be, but it seemed like Jaehyun had a normal childhood.

"Jaehyun didn't learn how to wipe his own butt until he was in second grade!" "Mom!" Jaehyun's ears and cheeks turn red. I laugh as... prettily? As I could. I don't know exactly what that means, but I mean at least I wasn't spitting food everywhere.

After eating dinner Jaehyun and I separate from his parents. "After eating we always have to exercise because we have to maintain a steady and healthy weight." Jaehyun tells me as we walk into their gym.

"Well what exercise do I even do?" I ask. "Cardio for thirty minutes at least, and today we can do leg exercises. We have a personal trainer he can work with you on your own exercises."

"Who's the trainer-" "Hi guys I'm here." I look back and see Johnny. "Johnny is a good personal trainer because he pushes you, but not too hard where you feel like dying."

"We can plan your exercise plans today while Taeyong helps spot Jaehyun." Johnny smiles. I follow him into a room where there were a desk one seat on each side. It almost looked like an interrogation room.

We sit down and begin discussing. "Okay so first I need to know your weight so please step on the scale that's over here." I hesitantly step on the scale because well... I'm insecure about my weight, isn't everybody?

Afterwards we finally finish it took about an hour or so which was a really boring hour because he spewed nonsense I didn't really care about. Like what my diet has to consist of, the difference between a well planned exercise plan versus one that is what an amateur would do.

"Before this ends and you have to go back to spend time with Jaehyun, just tell me if Jaehyun ever does anything bad to you. Jaehyun can be quite scary sometimes, but deep downside he's just a naive hopeless romantic." Johnny says. "Okay that's nice to know I guess." I say.

We both leave the room as Jaehyun finishes a set of bench presses. Jaehyun smiles seeing me. He comes over and tries to hug me, "You're all sweaty and gross." I say looking up at him. He pouts before kissing me.

"Well let's go wash up together." He winks at me and pulls me away. I look back at Taeyong and Johnny who give Jaehyun a dirty look.

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