Garreg Mach Monistary

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So! I played through the Golden Deer route and fell in love with Claude. Hence my first story, which I will be continuing. I then played through the Blue Lion route and fell in love with Dimitri. So many thoughts in my head. Enjoy my words readers.

"Khalid?!?! Have you seen my shoes!!" I shouted in Almyran going down the hall. Just then a brown haired boy with emerald eyes peeped his head out of my bedroom. "You mean these?" He spoke while holding up a pair of brown ankle boots in the air. I walked over and took them from his hands. He then proceeded to ruffle my hair. "Your so easy to rile up Thalia! Are you excited about the Officers Academy?" I sat on the bed and tugged my boots on gently. "I suppose. It'll be a new learning experience that's for sure. I guess what worries me the most is people's prejudices, me being Almyran and all."

He sat down on the bed next to me. "I get that. I worry about that myself to be honest. The church knows where your from, me... not so much. Still though don't let them get to you. Oh and by the way. You might want to refrain from calling me Khalid while we're there. As far as they are concerned, my name is Claude Von Riegan." There was a knock on the door interrupting us. "Your carriage is ready Sir Claude!" He nodded to the messenger and picked up our bags from the foot of the bed. I tried to carry my own but he wouldn't let me.

We proceed to follow the messenger out to the courtyard to our designated buggie. Claude threw our things on the back and held the door open for me. I climbed in and sat the seat closest to the driver, with Claude sitting opposite of me. "Might as well take a nap Thalia! It's gonna be a long day." I nodded at the man and then closed my eyes, letting my subconscious enter sleep.

Some Time Later

"Wake up Thal! We're here." I opened my eyes slowly to take in all my surroundings. We were in a huge courtyard filled with carriages and people conversing everywhere. I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes and Claude helped me down to the ground. I looked for a moment at Claude's uniform. I was told that he was going to be the leader of the Golden Deer house. I looked around to see if there was anyone else in similar attire. Off in the distance I spotted two people. One was a boy with a royal blue cape, and a girl with a red cape.

The boy turned to our direction and my brown eyes met his deep blue ones. He and the girl then began walking towards us. I tugged on Claude's sleeve gently and he turned to look the same direction I was. He smiled as the two approached. "You must be Claude! Duke Riegan's grandson." Claude nodded and grinned. "Yup that's me. And just who might you two be?" I tried to shy back a bit but Claude's hand on my back prevented me from doing so. "My apologies. I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Crown Prince of Faerghus. And this is Edelgard Von Hresvelg, heir of the Adrestian Empire."

They both smiled but the girls didn't seem very genuine. She then spoke. "I had heard that House Riegan had taken in someone from Almyra. However, I didn't expect a girl, much less someone who looks so...normal. " I felt Claude stiffen beside me but before he could speak Dimitri cut her off. "Come now, Edelgard. It's our job to make all of the students here at the Officers Academy feel right at home. It's a pleasure to meet you...miss?" It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me. "Thalia, Thalia Nansen. The pleasure is mine, Your Highness."

He then laughed softly. "Please, Thalia. Dimitri will work just fine." I couldn't help but smile at his kind words. "Could I have everyones attention please?! We will now divide into respective houses and the faculty will show you to your rooms! House leaders you are to remain here." A man up on stage began to direct us to adults. "Bye, Thal! I'll catch up with you later!" I nodded to Claude and followed the man to the second floor dormitory. Claude had told me that he had requested my room be next to his. I walked in and noticed my things had already been placed at the foot of my bed.

There were books everywhere. Some on tactics, others on magic uses. I began to unpack, putting everything exactly where I wanted it. I pulled a small necklace out of the bottom of my bag. It was a gift from Claude on my fourteenth birthday. It was a gold chain with a golden moon that hung from the center. I looked in my mirror as I placed it around my neck and clasped it. Just as I was about to finish arranging there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see a tall man with fringed blonde hair standing there. It was Dimitri.

"My apologies for bugging you like this Thalia. The Archbishop is sending Edelgard, Claude, and myself out for a training exercise. So Claude wanted me to bring you his room key. He said you would know where he wanted everything." I took the key from him and placed it on the dresser next to the door. "Of course I do. That boy is hopeless without me. Listen, Dimitri. I wanna thank you." He seemed slightly taken back with my proclamation. "I don't understand. Whatever would you be thanking me for." I fidgeted with my hands while I tried to come up with a response.

"Back in the courtyard. You took up for me with Edelgard, and you didn't even know me. That means a lot. I knew when I came here I would face persecution and judgment but I didn't expect it to be that soon. So thank you tremendously. I'm glad to know that someone other than Claude will make me feel welcome here." I smiled up at him the best I could and he returned that smile. "It was no problem at all. My room is five doors down if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask. I have to run. I hope you settle in well!" I waved to him as he walked down the hall of the second floor. I closed the door and sighed. 'Now I gotta unpack for this idiot. He better be thankful I care about him.' I picked his key up off of the dresser and left my room prepared for complete and utter chaos.

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