The Golden Deer

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For those of you that want to know. This is what Thalia looks like.

It felt like I had barely been asleep before I was woke up by the sound of a door opening and closing. My eyes fluttered open as I realized that Dimitri had left. I slowly rose up in the bed wondering what time it could be. I looked out my window and I barely saw a glimpse of the sun rising over the mountains. My feet hit the floor and I made my way to my dresser to change into my academy uniform. Once I was changed I grabbed my journal and put it back in my desk, forgetting to put it away in the first place. I put on my shoes and walked next door to Claude's room. Before I could even knock the door opened. He gave me a tooth filled grin that told me he was up to something.

"Good morning Thalia! Wanna test out my new poison for me." I smacked him on the shoulder. "No you idiot. Let's go get some food before class." He sighed in defeat. "Alright, whatever you say." He closed his door and we made our way down the corridor to the dinning hall. It was still rather early so there wasn't very many people around. I spotted Dimitri sitting at a table with the ones called Sylvain and Ingrid. I stared at him for a moment but he wouldn't even look at me. I wasn't for sure how to feel with that. I shook it off and grabbed my food, sitting with Claude at the table closest to the door.

"So, Claude. You ready for class. I hear our professor is a Hanneman. I also hear the Blue Lions got a mercenary." A smile lit up his face. "Their Teach is the same mercenary that saved Edelgard, Dimitri, and myself our first night here. They better realize how lucky they are." My mind flashed back as I recalled Claude briefly mentioning the man. The bells in the monastery rang out signifying that I was time for class to start. Claude and I gathered our things and made our way to the Golden Deer classroom. I sat next to Claude and an older like man with a mustache and glasses entered the room.

"Hello, children. My name is Professor Hanneman, and I will be teaching you this year. We shall start off with basic introductions. I want your name and where you come from. Starting with Claude." Worry began to fill me. I didn't know how anyone here would react to me and it scared me. Once Claude finished I spoke up. "My name is Thalia Nansen. I originally hail from Almyra but I have been a part of House Riegan for several years now." The intros went on and on until finally we were all done. "Alright class. We will first start with some basic Fodlan history."

Inwardly I began to groan. I could tell from the tone the man used that his classes were going to be more information and less hands on. Something I wasn't entirely a fan of. Still I took notes and listened the best that I could. Despite being jammed pack full of information that didn't apply to me at that point in time, the class went by relatively fast. He dismissed us and I was approached by Hilda. "Hey Thalia. Wanna join me for some tea." I nodded at her excitedly and we made our way to one of the many gardens. She had some Almyran Pine on brew and some pastries as well.

She began to speak as she poured my glass. "I hope you don't get mad for this but...I wrote my brother and asked him about you." It just dawned on me that Holst, the man who brought me into Fodlan all those years ago was her brother. "It doesn't anger me. It's only right for you to be curious. I would be too if I was in your situation." She nodded and sipped on her tea. "He wouldn't tell me a lot but he did tell me you went through quite an ordeal. I understand if you would rather not, but just know I'm here for you if you need to talk." I nodded and nibbled on a cookie before sipping my tea once more. "Thank you Hilda. That means a lot. I'm not sure what all he told you, but things were hard for me for a little over a year. I was used in ways someone my age should have never been used. And because of that I suppose I'll always be leery of people at times. Claude was the first one to really get me to open up."

She laughed at the mention of Claude. "Yeah that sounds about right. Claude is able to bring out a different side in people. Don't ask me why, but he does." I nodded in understanding as we finished our tea. We then parted ways and I made my way to the training room. I snuck inside and I heard Dimitri's voice. He was talking to someone. I got as close as I could without being noticed and eavesdropped a bit, hiding behind a pillar.

"Hello, Felix. I see you're here to train as well." Dimitri sounded relatively happy. "Go away. Just looking at your face makes me wanna retch." I had to muffle a gasp from coming out. Who was this guy and why was he talking about Dimitri that way? Dimitri almost chuckled which surprised me. "Heh. With that mouth of yours, you grow more like your brother every day." The other man spoke and I could hear the anger in his voice. "Shut up. And stop walking around on your hind legs. You're not fooling me." Confusion filled my brain. Just what was this guy talking about? "I cannot fathom why you seem to hate me so."

I could hear sadness in his voice and once again I felt my heart break a little. "Because I know what you really are. A beast craving blood." My mind flew back to this morning when Dimitri talked about the ghosts that were haunting him. Had Dimitri...killed before? "A beast craving blood, am I? I assume you're speaking of the events two years ago. The last time we met outside the academy?" Those words felt almost emotionless to me. "I am. The way you suppressed that rebellion... It was ruthless slaughter and you loved every second of it. I remember the way you killed your victims. How you watched them suffer. And your face. That expression... All the world's evil packed into it. That was our first battle. I remember it vividly."

That reply answered my question from before. Dimitri had killed. I believe he was stunned by the man because he never said a word. This must have angered Felix. "Oh something wrong? Go ahead and deny it you wild boar." Dimitri sighed. "I deny nothing Felix." I heard Felix shuffle around. "Well then. I suppose the Dimitri I once knew died during that slaughter in Duscur, along with my brother." Sadness filled Dimitri's voice once more. "Perhaps your right." Felix sheathed his sword. "Hurry up and get out of my sight. I don't make a habit of talking to beasts. And while your at it, stop talking to that Almyran girl. Unless you want her to end up collateral damage."

Anger flowed through my veins suddenly and without thinking I dropped the book I had even forgotten I was holding. Silence filled the room. You couldn't even cut it with a knife. I reached down slowly, picking up the book and walked out of the training room. Only hearing Dimitri say my name as I walked away.

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