Pain and Suffering

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I woke the next morning with a horrible pain in my neck. Almost like I had been hit. I tried to move, only to realize that I couldn't. I looked around to see that I had been tied up by my hands and feet. Panice began to settle in as the events of fourteen years ago came flooding back. "Help!! Someone, please!!!" I struggled against the chains but nothing happened. I heard the creak as the door opened and in walked two figures. As the first came into the light I saw the familiar face of Edelgard. "Edelgard... what do you want with me?!" I struggled once more but this time I could feel the chains burning my skin. "I don't want nothing with you in particular. I just want Dimitri to squirm. And you are the best way to do it. Although having you here could also increase the morale of my troops. Isn't that right Hubert?" Out of the shadows walked Hubert with a sadistic grin on his face. "Edelgard please... I'm begging you." She laughed and as she walked away she spoke once more. "Don't beg you stupid girl. You're used to being used... aren't you? She's all yours Hubert." With that she was gone.

The said man walked over and held his hands above my stomach. Light emitted from them and I felt something funny inside of my stomach. I looked at him with pure hate coursing through my body. "Don't look at me like that, you Almyran scum. I'm doing you a favor, by making sure one of our men doesn't get you pregnant. Although I want to see first hand just what Claude and Dimitri were so excited for." A demented laugh came from his lips as he grabbed the top of my gown and ripped it to pieces. I turned my head as his eyes raked over my body. "I see. Looks like you may be worth something after all." He began to touch and fondle me and I could see an obvious tent pop up in his pants. I tried to squirm from him every inch I could but that only seemed to make things worse. He took off his pants and climbed on top of me. His hands went to my throat as he thrusted inside of me, and one of many blood curdling screams flew from my lips.

Dimitri's POV

Worry, hate, and anger coursed through my veins. The only reason I could even fathom them wanting Thalia would be to get at me. Lillie was asleep in the bed and all I wished was for Thalia to be lying there next to her. A knock on the door distracted me from her. I walked to the door and opened it. "Your highness sir! Wyverns riding in from the east. They bear the flag of Almyra." I walked back to Lillie and picked her up before leaving the room. The girl stirred in my arms but never woke. Among the wyverns that landed I spotted Claude. Ingrid took Lillie from me and I walked up to him. "I'm so sorry to bug you like this Claude." The man shook his head. "No problem your princeliness. You know when it comes to Thalia I would be here in a heartbeat. Now tell me. What happened?" I began to recount the events to Claude with only Thalia on my mind. "Alright then. It's clear what we have to do. We march to Enbar. Are your men ready Dimitri?" I nodded to the man and shortly after we left for the Imperial capital.

Thalia's POV

It felt like months had passed but I knew it hadn't been that long. Two weeks at the most. My entire body felt limp and I hurt to the point of screaming. Four men took me. Day after day they would use me for their pleasure. Gentle was not in their vocabulary. It was as if they wanted me to suffer. There was blood in between my legs and from my head where one of them had hit me. They had punched me, bit me, they even cut my hair. This was worse than back in Almyra. The door creaked open and in walked Hubert. "Get up. We're moving you." I slowly picked myself up off of the floor and followed him. I could have used this chance to escape but I didn't. I didn't have enough strength left to fight Hubert or anyone else for that matter. He grabbed my arm and tossed me in a bright room, locking the door behind me. "Thalia." I turned and seen a woman with bright green hair dressed in a white gown.  

"Lady Rhea! You're alive!" She nodded in earnest and pulled me to her. "Rest my child. Help is on its way." I pulled out of her arms. "I can't Lady Rhea... they... they..." Tears began to spill down my face as a shout could be heard from outside. "We're under attack! Two banners! The Kingdom and Almyra!" I stood up and stumbled over to the door. "You hear that Lady Rhea?! We're saved!" Just about that time a hand reached in the room and grabbed me. I looked up into Hubert's menacing eyes. "Change of plan darling. We need you." Next thing I knew I was in the throne room in front of Edelgard. "Thank you Hubert. Prepare yourself girl to see everyone you've ever loved die in front of your eyes." Edelgard began to grunt out in pain and her body underwent a physical transformation into a form I didn't recognize. I backed away from her until my body hit a wall and I knew then I had nowhere else to go. 'Dimitri... Claude... please hurry!'

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