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3 Months Later (15th day Horsebow Moon)

The last three months of my pregnancy were absolute hell. Every time the baby kicked it would send me into fits. So much that my heartrate would increase and nearly send me into labor right then and there. They eventually did put me on bedrest till I delivered. During that time Claude never left my side. He would shower me with kisses and make sure I had absolutely everything I would ever need.  I felt so guilty for it all. My affections towards Claude were growing but I couldn't fully say that I loved him. He knew this and still showed me love and attention every day. The door to my room opened and Claude entered. "Hey Thal! You've got a visitor." I looked at him with confusion on my face till I saw who it was. "Felix!" He walked  into the room with a smile on his face. "Hey trouble. I hear you've had a rough go of it lately." I rolled my eyes at the man. "Yes. This baby has sent me to hell and back. So why are you here?" Felix walked over and sat in the chair next to my bed and Claude sat next to me on the bed. "I actually came to talk to the both of you about a suspicion my father and I have." We both looked at each other before looking back at Felix. "My father went to the Kingdom Capital after we had been told of Dimitri's execution. When he got there Cornelia absolutely refused to let him see the body. No one saw the body. Even after the execution. I believe... I believe Dimitri's still alive. I just think he's in hiding somewhere."

I could feel my heart rate rise and my body began to tense. I started taking deep labored breaths. "Thalia. Breathe." Claude put his hand on my back and began to rub circles on my back. I felt my breath get caught in my throat and I begin to cough. I placed my hand over my mouth as I coughed. Something wasn't right. I moved my hand away from my mouth and saw that it was painted red. "Claude..." I felt dizzy and lightheaded. Claude laid me back on the bed. "Felix stay with her! I'm going to get a nurse!" Claude ran out of the room and Felix grabbed my hand. "Thalia it's okay. Stay with me." I heard the door open and the nurse walked in. "Okay you two out now! She's losing blood somewhere." I couldn't see anything else as I felt my body began to spasm and then I lost consciousness.  

Several Hours Later

I fluttered my eyes open slowly. The light from above hurt my eyes. I winced and turned away from the harsh light. Only then was I able to open my eyes fully. I saw Claude and Felix sitting at a small table and Claude had a look of pure joy in his eyes. He was holding something. "Claude...Felix?" My voice sounded weak and barely existent. Their eyes shot up to mine and I started to cough. Felix walked over to my bedside table and poured me some water. I sat up slowly and he put the glass to my lips. I sipped the water slowly and sighed as it flowed down my throat. Claude walked over to me with a soft smile on his face. "You scared the death out of us Thal! You were hemorrhaging and you almost didn't make it." I nodded slowly and then looked up at Claude wide eyed. "You ready to meet your daughter Thal?" My heart swelled as I realized the something Claude was holding was my child. My little girl. I nodded and he slowly placed the small bundle in my arms. "I'm honestly wishing she come out looking more like you than that damn boar." I laughed at Felix's remark and took her in. Her skin wasn't as pale as Dimitri's it was subtly tan. She had big blue eyes and a headful of blonde hair. She was a spitting image of her father. Her little hand wrapped around my pinky finger and I could feel the tears come to my eyes. "That makes three. She's already got Felix and I wrapped around her finger." I noticed a blush rise to Felix's cheeks. A sight I had never seen before. "She does not...okay maybe a little." I had never seen Felix fumble over his words like this. A laugh erupted from my throat and the baby cried out with a smile on her face.

"So, what will we call her, Thal?" I smiled up at the two and then at the little one in my arms. It pained me that Dimitri wasn't here right now. I had to name our child without him.  "We will call her Lillie Alexandria Blaiddyd." She cooed softly in my arms, pulling forth yet another smile. The door opened and in walked a burly looking man with a heavy looking beard. Claude turned to him and smiled. "Hey Nader. It's about time you showed up." Claude then turned to me with a somber expression on his face. "Thalia, this is Nader. He's going to be the one who takes you over Fodlan's Throat. You can trust him." A nurse then walked in along with Claude's grandfather. "Transporting her right now isn't ideal considering she lost so much blood, but I understand that it must be done." Claude's grandfather walked over to me and gently stroked the child's head. "Thalia my dear. You will always be a part of this family. I hope you know that. You and the young one." I nodded to him and handed Lillie to Claude. Felix helped me swing my legs over the bed and stand. The second my feet hit the floor I felt weak. "Felix take the baby. I'll carry her." Claude handed the baby to Felix and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to cry. "I don't want to leave you Claude." His breathing was shaky. Almost like he was trying to stop himself from crying.

We got to the carriage and Claude climbed inside with me. He sat me down slowly and then held my hands. I looked to Felix almost pleadingly. He nodded and turned to the others. "Let's give them some privacy." I sighed in relief as I heard their footsteps walking away. I threw my arms around Claude and he wrapped his around my waist. "I'm going to miss you so much." I moved my hands to cup his face and I brought my lips to his. He kissed me back with urgency. We pulled away from each other and I laid my forehead on his. "Claude... I love you." His eyes widened in surprise. "Thalia..." A knock interrupted whatever he was going to say. "We need to go." Claude gave me one last embrace before Felix handed me Lillie and got out of the carriage. Claude stood there with Felix and as we drove away he gave me one final smile and mouthed. "I love you." 

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