My Best Friends Birthday

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Just so you all know the next few chapters are gonna be pretty intense. Prepare yourself!

The last month has been incredibly difficult. Dimitri distanced himself again once the rebellion with Lord Lonato had ended. Part of that must have had to do with Kingdom affairs. Our classes mission to Lake Teutates was successful as well. And the icing on the cake? The Silence Glaive...... was mine!! I had gotten knocked into the lake by a bandit and had submerged with the Silence Glaive in hand. So it officially became my weapon of choice. "Thalia! There you are." I looked up to the owner of the voice to see Felix standing there. He was holding a huge wooden box in his hand. A smile made it's way to my face.

"Is that it?!" He smiled and laughed a bit. "Someone's excited. Yes it is. The messenger came with it this morning. Wanna see?" I nodded excitedly. He sat the box down on the table and opened it carefully. Inside the box was a beautifully made Silver Bow with Houee Riegan's crest engraved on the top half. There were also a dozen of silver arrows and a black quiver, lined in silver thread with the house crest on it. "It's... perfect. Thank you so much Felix. This means more to me than you know." He closed the box slowly. "I will have to admit I was pretty surprised when you came asking if I knew any good blacksmiths. I thought for sure you would have been getting something commissioned for the boar. Speaking of. Are you okay?"

He picked the box up and walked with me to my room. "I suppose I'll have to be. Right?" I opened the door and he walked in, sitting the box on my bed. "No, not really. I know you heard everything I said that day. Dimitri may be a prince but he's ice cold at times. Don't let him hurt you Thalia. Anyway, I suppose I'll be going. Good luck with Claude's birthday. If you need anything let me know. Goodnight Thalia." I nodded in response and he walked out of the room. I opened the door a peek to see if there was anyone in the hallway. When I saw nobody I grabbed the bow box and walked it to Claude's room. I sat it on under his bed and then ran back to get the cake box that was sitting on my desk.

Once back in Claude's room I gently removed the cake and placed one, lit, candle at its center. "Thanks a lot Hilda. I appreciate it." I heard Claude's voice outside and I turned my back to the wall. He opened the door and gasped when he saw me standing there. "Dear goddess, Thalia. You would scare a man..." I turned around, cake in hand, before he could say more. His eyes widened as a look of surprised adorned my best friends face. "Happy Birthday, Claude." He walked over to me and picked up the cake from my hands. "Make a wish."

He laughed before blowing out the candle. "No need Thalia. I've got you. That's all I need." I was surprised. Claude typically wouldn't say something like that so seriously. He sat the cake down on his desk and pulled me into an embrace. "I've barely seen you these past few weeks. I've missed you Thal." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his torso. "I'm sorry Claude. I've been busy, with this!" I pulled back from him and pulled the box out from underneath the bed. I laid it on his sheets and motioned for him to open it. Once he did, his face was priceless. He looked at me and his eyes glistened as tears threatened to erupt. "Claude don't cry. Felix had someone in the Kingdom commission it for me. I hope you like it."

He turned to me and took my hands in his. "Like? Like is a very weak word for what I'm feeling right now Thal. I love it. Thank you so much." I gave him yet another hug and he admired the beauty of the bow before walking over to the cake on his desk. He sat on the chair and patted his lap. I walked over and sat comfortably on his legs and pulled a couple forks out of my bag. "Man this brings back memories doesn't it." I nodded in agreement as we ate the chocolate cake. "Claude. Thank you." He looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "What for Thal?" I smiled at him fondly. "For saving my life that day. I know it was you and your father who took out those guys that had me. I remember the look on your face as I ran. The same look you adorned when you saw me all those years later. Who would have thought the boy who saved me would turn out to be so important to me."

He wrapped an arm around my waist as he ate more cake. "I would do it again if you asked me to Thalia. Your a precious part of my life. I don't think I would be half the man I am today if it wasn't for you. Speaking of, if Dimitri don't shape up soon I may have to have a talk with him." I nudged Claude in the chest with my elbow and he looked at me all serious. "Really Thalia. I know him being distant like this is killing you inside. It's not fair to you and frankly it's starting to make me angry." I sighed. He was right. It was affecting me probably more than it should. "Claude... promise me you won't say anything." He nudged me out of his lap gently and I placed my feet on the floor. "Fine. I won't say anything... for now."

He walked over to his bed and pulled the bow and quiver out of its case, placing it on his dresser top. He then stuck the box back underneath his bed. "Well I believe I'm gonna hit the hay. We've got security detail tomorrow for the Rite of Rebirth. Goodnight Claude and Happy Birthday." Just as I was about to walk out, Claude grabbed my wrist. I turned to him questioningly. "Thalia. I heard you crying out in your sleep last night. Are you...the nightmares. Do they still haunt you at night." If he heard me then I knew I couldn't lie to him. I nodded my head.

He let go of my wrist and walked over to his bed, pulling down the sheets. He climbed in and patted the spot next to him. "Claude I..." he shook his head. "Don't you even Thalia. I know they don't bother you as much when your not alone. Come on, I used to have to hold you when you slept before. There's no difference now." I stood there for a moment before climbing in next to him. He placed one arm under my head and the other around my waist, pulling me into his chest. 'Claude...was he ever this warm? When Dimitri would sleep next to me his body was always cold.' I pushed the thoughts aside and closed my eyes, fading into the darkness.

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