Take it All Away

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Claude stayed with us for a week before he left to go back to Almyra. I was saddened by his departure. Not because my best friend was leaving but because of a conversation I overheard just the day before.

"Has she said anything to you Dimitri? About what happened to her in Enbarr" Silence was all I heard until Dimitri spoke. "No she hasn't. I'm not going to force it out of her. I want her to tell me whenever she believes the time is right."

I walked around the huge bedroom that was attached to Dimitri's. He wanted me to be close, but we couldn't sleep in the same room till we were finally married. Didn't stop me from sneaking in around midnight though. I walked up  to the mirror and looked at my reflection. I was disgusted with what I saw looking back at me. I pulled my gown up over my head and threw it to the floor as well as my undergarments. I began to cry as I seen all the bruises. I touched my hair remembering how long it was. I fell to the floor as tears came one after the other. I didn't even hear the door open. I heard nothing but my own sobs until a firm hand touched my shoulder. I jumped back almost startled but began to cry harder when I saw who it was. "Please Dimitri... take it away. Make it stop." He looked over me for a moment before pulled me up off the floor. "Thalia... what did they do to you?" I cried as I cleaved onto his chest. "They used me... for their own gain. Please Dimitri. I can't take it. I still feel as if their hands are all over me."

He turned me around to look in the mirror before laying a soft kiss on my neck. One hand went to my stomach and the other found one of my breasts. "Thalia, my beloved. I swear it. Every inch of you they touched I will replace with my own hands. I will make your body feel such pleasure that the pain you felt will only be a distant memory. If... that's what you want." I nodded my head as he continued to lay kisses on my neck. "Yes, Dimitri please. The only person I ever want touching me like that is you. Please, take me." His hands moved against my breast and he began to suck on my neck causing a moan to fall from my lips. His lips, his hands. Everything about him felt right. I turned in his arms and crashed my lips to his. His hands went to my hips and he pulled me close to him. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth to him willingly. Our tongues danced together in harmony. I cradled his head in my hand to try and deepen the kiss. He hoisted me up and sat me on the dresser and nestled himself between my legs. Finally we broke for air and he immediately started kissing my neck down to my collar bone. "Dimitri...ahh." Nothing other than his name would come out of my throat. 

He kissed down my chest till he reached my breast. He sucked on one gently, while massaging the other. My hands tangled in his hair as I tried to pull him closer to me. He switched sides, giving the other the same treatment. His free hand made its way to my core and he rubbed me gently. I threw my head back as yet another moan fell from my lips. His lips made their way back to mine as his finger slid into me. I gripped onto his shoulders as he slid another finger into me. His pace was quick and swift. "Dimitri...bed...now." He grabbed my bottom and carried me over to the bed, his lips never leaving mine. His fingers returned to my heat. I pushed his hand away and got on my knees. Grabbing the bottom of his tunic, I lifted it up and over his head and threw it on the floor. My hands then found the button on his pants and unfastened it. He stepped off the bed and removed them and his undergarments. He looked me up and down before smiling gently. "Thalia, my beloved. You take my breath nearly every day. I love you so, and I am sorry you had to suffer without me there." I pulled his face to mine and kissed him gently. "Dimitri my love. It's not your fault. Nor do I blame you. I'm just happy to have you here with me. Right now." 

He climbed back on the bed and settled himself over me. Our lips met once more as he pushed his throbbing member inside me. I broke from the kiss to let a moan fall from my lips as he started to thrust slowly. I brought my hips up to meet his with each stroke. His right hand found my clit and began to rub it as he thrusted inside of me. Pleasure began to fill my body as I knew it wouldn't be long before I found my release. His thrusts picked up in speed and he began to grunt with each one. Suddenly he grabbed my hips and rolled over, putting me on top. He lifted my hips up and down his hardened length. My whole body tingled as he hit that one spot inside of me. "Thalia...I..." I nodded in agreement. "Me too." My body spasmed on his and he thrust his hips upward in one final motion as he emptied himself inside of me. I collapsed on top of his chest and he pulled me close to him. "We shouldn't lay here too long. Liliie should be done with Annette and Ingrid soon." I grunted but slowly got up off the bed. Dimitri handed me my clothes with a smile on his face and I got dressed. "Are you ready for the coronation next month." He laughed before replying. "Do I have a choice?" I laughed and shook my head. "I suppose you don't." Just then a knock on the door came and in walked Lillie. She ran to me and wrapper her arms around me before doing the same with Dimitri. Dimitri kissed us both on the forehead before walking out of the room.

-A month later-

Today was the day. The day that Dimitri was being crowned as King of The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. I was currently being tended too by maids who were dressing me and doing my makeup. Lillie was with Ingrid, so I didn't have to worry about her. A knock on the door was heard followed by a chipper voice. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes Thal?" I turned to the door to see Claude standing there. My face lit up. "Claude?! What are you doing here?" He laughed before walking into the room. "That's King Claude to you. Anyway, today is the day that Fodlan's unification is finally complete. I wasn't going to miss that. Not to mention Dimitri wanted to talk to me about potential trade routes. Not even King yet and he's on top of everything." I smiled to myself and nodded. "Of course he is. He always has been." I went to take a drink of water when suddenly I felt sick to my stomach. I sat back down slowly and held my hand to my belly. "Thalia? You okay?" I nodded. "Yeah I'm....nope!" I got up from the chair and took a nosedive to the bathroom. I threw my head over the toilet and emptied out everything that was in my stomach. Claude ran in and held my hair away from my face. "Sheesh Thal. What did you eat?" I shook my head and then realization sat in. "I've ate...nothing. I'll be right back."

I got up out of the floor and ran to the infirmary. I opened the door and there stood Professor Manuela. "What can I do for you my dear?" I walked over and laid on a table. "I need you to check me out professor. I think history is repeating itself." She looked at me for a moment before her eyes widened in understanding. She walked over to me and began to examine me with magic. A chuckle fell from her throat and she shook her head. "It seems that is the case. Five weeks along. Although I am guessing this one was at least planned?" I got up from the table and shook my head as joy filled my body. "Nope. But it's not like we didn't exactly prevent it either. Thank you Professor. I'll catch up with you later!" I walked out of the room and made my way to the throne room where they were having the ceremony. I found Claude sitting with Marianne and sat next to them. "Everything okay Thal?" I nodded and smiled. "Yup. Everything is just fine!" The ceremony went on and joy filled my heart as they placed the crown upon Dimitri's head. His gaze found me and he looked at me lovingly. The hall began to fill with voices as peopled chanted. "Long live the King!" Applause was heard as the ceremony finally came to a close.

We all exited into the reception hall and I did everything I could to find Dimitri. Yet no matter where I looked I couldn't find him. Come to think of it I couldn't find Claude either. I left the reception hall and walked down the hall. At the far end I could hear their voices. "I just think we should build each other up. Not tear each other down. Besides we've already came to Fodlan's aide on more than one occasion." I walked closer and saw that they both were head first into maps. "I couldn't agree more Claude. This relationship between these two countries are long overdue. I..." I interrupted them by knocking on the door. Both of them turned to me with smiles on their face. "Is everything okay, my beloved?" I nodded and stepped into the room. "Yes everything's fine. I just have something I need to say." They both looked at me confused. It almost made me want to laugh at the irony of it all. The only difference was that Dimitri was actually here this time. "Well Your Majesties. I am proud to announce that the Blaiddyd family will be getting its second addition in just seven months and three weeks. I am pregnant." They both looked at me and never said a word. Finally Claude broke the silence. "I knew it. After seeing you puke for no reason this morning I knew it." I glared at him before looking back at Dimitri. His look of shock had turned into a smile as tears rimmed his eye. He walked over to me and pulled me into a loving embrace. "Thalia...you make me a happy man. I love you so much." I wrapped my arms around his waist and sighed into his chest. "I love you too Dimitri." I pulled back from him and punched Claude in the shoulder. "You... You could have at least acted surprised, you big meanie." He pulled back with a pained look on his face. "I know. But you gotta think Thal, I've known you all my life. I can read you pretty well by now. Gotta say though. I'll be glad to be an uncle again." I shook my head and he gave me a quick hug. We sat around and talked for the rest of the night about plans for the future and about a wedding that would be taking place in just a few weeks.

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