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Chapter IV

Master Luke's mouth is bent in a deep frown, his wrinkled brow pinched together in frustration.
"Why not?" I ask, the words sharper than I intended.
"Because," he sighs, as if scolding a child. "As soon as you are revealed Snoke will pry your mind until you give up our location. Everything we've worked to keep here will be gone if you leave. The Jedi will end."
"You're wrong. Everything we have worked for, everything you have worked for, is currently a puppet to Snoke and now wears the name Kylo Ren."
My master recoils as if I hit him, but I have no sympathy left for this old man.
"Master Skywalker, this rubbish island and those few ancient books are not the Jedi. The three of us are. If I stay here and let Snoke twist his hand around Ben's heart, the Jedi will be closer to extinction than if I go and try to turn him. Surely you can see how this is our only option?
"You taught me once that some Jedi have specific abilities within the Force, like Force Echoing. You told me that the reason I found you ten years ago was because the Force led me here, like a sort of beacon. Well, that same beacon is telling me to go to Solo."
The oldest Jedi is quiet for some time. He huffs and puffs, trying to find a counter argument, but I've got him cornered. If there is one weapon to use against Luke Skywalker, it's his own lessons. I hate forcing him to agree with me like this, but each moment that passes without me going to Ben is like a drop of fear being added to an already overflowing bucket.
"Fine," he grumbles. "But just know, Evangeline, that if your plan goes wrong and Snoke peals open your mind, you must do anything you can to resist him. Use your own saber against yourself if you must. If Snoke figures out I'm here, the First Order will be that much closer to destroying the Resistance, and ultimately seizing control over the galaxy."
"You always know how to lighten the mood, Master Skywalker." I start down the hill we're on, but before I go too far, I turn to face my master one last time. "And don't worry, I have a feeling you won't be alone here for very long." And with that I race down the island, across a rocky beach and into a hidden cave, smiling the whole way. Disruptions in the Force tell me that the Force-sensitive girl will eventually find Luke, and hopefully she'll be able to succeed where I failed in restoring his confidence.
My mother's ship is almost entirely rusted over. A few patches of navy blue paint penetrate the copper rust, while plants grow in wild tangles around the wings and cockpit. I clean the ship as best as I can, and pray that there is enough fuel to earn me a one-way ticket to Ben Solo. It just so happens that there is, so as the ship fires up I run back to my stone hut to grab my lightsaber, some leftover food and a jar for water. The ship seems ready by the time I return, so I waste no time buckling into the pilot's seat, preparing for takeoff. I haven't flown in years, not since I followed Luke to Ahch-To, but there's a familiarity about the control stick in front of me and the thrum of the engine around me.
I get into the air easily, then prepare for light speed. The Force guides my course, and all I must do now is follow it. I look back at Ahch-To one last time. The cold wind and rocky terrain has become so familiar that I can't imagine any planet being any different. But I'm beginning a completely new journey now, one that will either bring me back here with young Solo in tow, or on my way to an execution.

Where Light and Darkness Meet (Part One of the Pallona Saga) Where stories live. Discover now