Seal gaze

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Oh seal sleek,

Watching me

From the fickle curve

Of your weightless world

I wonder what you see

With those depthless pools

As you slip between the tangles

Of fallen mermaids' hair

Selkie queen,

Always weeping

Why do you grieve so?

Do you mourn the loss of the moon

As you slide beneath the waves?


Sighing through my dreamscapes

Girl, beast and goddess

Our briny paths intertwining

Like strands of fishing net

You live between silt and starlight

And I between cloud and satin

But I, too, feel the tug of the tide on my heartstrings

And I know before long, we'll be sisters

Cockle-shell hearts

Always weeping.

a/n: my best trick for seal-observation is to paddle your kayak backwards, because they're so curious that they'll follow after you incredibly closely, but if you move towards them they get scared and dive off. So I paddle around backwards watching them, and it works very well.

however I am forced to admit I must look like an idiot

Hope you are well, Cassie

p.s apologies there's no photo I couldn't find one that fitted :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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