Chapter 3

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When Zak leaves the next morning to head back to the investigation, I roll out of bed and start researching for the 'Witches House' that he told me about last night. The internet is sometimes the best source of information, but today it fails me, only giving me a few accounts from people that had visited it in the past. There was no information relating to the whereabouts it is, which leads me to get ready and head to the local library.

As soon as I arrive, I'm greeted by a friendly librarian who offers to help me in my search when I ask for newspaper articles as well as a layout of the town, past and present. It seems like a lot of work at first, spreading out the layout of the town and comparing the two, however, when I spot a blank area where a house was once stood, I smile.

"Any luck?" The librarian asks approaching me.

"Maybe, can I ask you a question?"


I point to the missing building. "Was that building demolished?"

The librarian frowns, turning his head to inspect the map. "Ah, I see... You're here about that house in particular, are you?"

"I'm with the Travel Channel, a person that we interviewed has ties to the house. I'm just wondering if it is still standing?"

"It is."

"Then why hasn't it been placed on the update lay outs? Would you know why they missed it off?"

He nods. "A few years ago, there was a big petition throughout the town to have it torn down, after a few kids went up there tampering with whatever resides there, however the town's council doesn't believe in anything superstitious and blocked the petition. Claiming it to be part of history and protecting the house under some law. The reason it wasn't placed on the up to date plans was to discourage people from going there, disturbing what's inside."

"And what is inside?"

"Evil, I believe."

I look back at the house, trying to memorise where it is on the map, when he speaks again. "I would advise that you avoid the home, however seeing you squirrel away for the information for the past few hours, I have high doubts that you will listen..."

I give him a sheepish smile.

"Very well... I'll give you a smaller copy of this map. On the condition that you proceed with extreme caution."

"I will."


Pulling up to the witches house, I pause, wondering how much of a good idea this actually was.. The house was large, intimidating and anything but inviting or friendly. Stopping the car, I put it into park before killing the engine and hopping out.

Taking a bag from the back of the car, I head up to the house, armed with a torch and camera. Before stepping inside, I send Zak the co-ordinates to the house. I know he won't receive the message until after I've been inside. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission sometimes.

It's definitely abandoned from the broken windows on the upper floors and boarded up windows on the lower level. But I knock on the chipped front door anyway, before trying the handle. When it fails to open, I head around the back and find the back door completely gone.

"This screams bad news.." I murmur, clicking on my torch and heading inside.

My feet crunch on the dead leaves that have been blown in from the wind, the air is heavy, but cold. Zak having taught me the difference between normal and infested air from paranormal activity. If he could see me now...

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