Chapter 22

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This family is in complete turmoil, tormented by demons which were not only causing problems for them, but for us too. With battery drainages and interfered audio it was hard to work, but we were. We had just started filming when I felt it.

The shift.

I stop, losing all thought process as I stand in front of the cameras, the guys looking at me confused.

I'd had this before... I remember this feeling. I could never forget it. That moment was also caught on camera.. The moment my gran passed away.

"Dude?" Aaron asks, stopping his camera whilst Billy and Jay continue to roll on theirs.

I look at Aaron, his face growing increasingly concerned. "Something has happened." I tell him.

"What?" He asks. "Here?"

Was it here? Was it us? No... no.

I look to Billy as I feel it again, he too is lowering his camera. "Zak? Come on bro, talk to us."

My mind is tearing itself in half, it's trying to fix something, make a connection, which is when I hear it, the giggle...

The soft, angelic giggle, the one I hear in the darkness of the night and light of dawn, between the sheets of my bed, the sound that is leaving a set of lips that are gliding along my neck.. The giggle that Elle gives me when she comes down off her high that I put her on. She's glowing, her skin is flooded with light in those moments and it's always something that pushes me over the edge. I almost hide in her neck every time from now close to heaven I feel when we are in the moment. Together.


"Elle?" Aaron and Billy both ask, as Bacon yells, breaking me from my head and the guys from filming. Bacon knows not to interrupt unless it's an emergency.

He's running towards me, fast. I start for him and then break into a run when I see my phone in his hand, extended out like it was a lantern. And I know. I just know.

We don't speak, as I grab it and shove it to my ear. "Hello?!"


"Mom? What is it? What has happened?"

"Sweetheart, you need to come home. It's Elle... She's in hospital."


Remember that saying, time flys when you're having fun?

Well the counter part to that was time fucking stops when you're desperate.

My whole body was vibrating in the plane seat, not from the engine but from the need to get to Vegas, to get home, to Elle.

I barely had time to tell the guys what happened, just that Elle was in hospital. They knew then that it was game over, that the filming we planned to do was cancelled. Our only miracle was that we had done the lockdown and were waiting for Bishop Bryan to come in. Now that was all changing as I sit on this tin can.

The guys could take care of it, they knew what they were doing. But I couldn't be there, not when I knew she needed me. I shouldn't have gone..

"Few more seconds bro and we will be moving." Bacon promises me as the flight attendant runs through the last of the safety demonstration.

I don't want to be an asshole but I want to tell her to sit the fuck down and to get this plane moving, I only feel some relief when she does.

I hate flying, hate it with a passion, but I will fly, walk through a snake pit and go to a clown convention, if it meant a Elle was on the other side. Pushing myself into the seat, I say a little prayer for myself and for Elle as the plane begins to tears down the runway.

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