Chapter 9

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Altadena, California is a four hour car journey from Vegas, which gives me enough time to revise the information pack given to Zak, from the research team. In that time, I lay on the bed with him attached around my body, using the lower half of my body as a pillow as he naps.

The reason it has taken me almost two hours to read a pack that was probably a 30 minute read, was because I kept reverting back to the conversation we had before we left home. On why Zak didn't think he'd be a good father. If he didn't want kids, then I'd understand, some people don't. But it was the way he added that he wouldn't be a good dad that disturbed me and made me curious at the same time.

Zak has shown me nothing but patience and love, Gracie is well looked after and is what people would call spoilt rotten. So it wasn't as if he didn't have the tools to love and nurture. I wanted to ask, but for arguments sake, I'll leave sleeping dogs lie, but the conversation is far from over.

I'm almost done with the research when I feel tingling in my arm, lifting my head off the pillow, I watch my hand stiffen into what I call a claw as my fingers curl and bend.

"Zak." I use the research pack to gently hit him on the back as my stomach begins to rise.

He grunts in his sleep and holds me a little tighter, it's comforting to know he loves me, but now isn't the time for a cuddle..

"Zak." I say a little more firmly causing Bacon to look back. "Bacon-."

I'm about to tell him that I'm off on an adventure with my my seizure when Zak's phone screams him awake. Suddenly he's up like a shot and straddling my body. "El? Elle!" He says urgently.


Zak pov

I'm dreaming open roads with Elle in the seat beside me, roof down, wind blowing her hair up whilst she giggles and beams me one of her heart stopping smiles. When it's interrupted by my alarm.

I'm off her legs and up her body like a runner would be out the blocks.

"El? Elle!" I call for her, holding her face up to look at me as she begins to slip away.

I watch the veins protrude out of her neck as she begins to go into her seizure. "Okay babe, I'm here." I reassure her. "Bacon time!"

"On it! Hey, James, we gotta pull this RV over!" Bacon yells.

I get off Elle as she begins to seize, and pick up her hand. I know she won't be able to feel me here right now, that she's lost in her mind, but it gives me some comfort that she might, and whilst this happens, I'm pretty much useless.

Her struggled cries always crush a small part of my soul, it's almost as if she is begging for air when she jerks, I look down and see her legs stiffened and quickly grab my hoody and toss it over her lap, just in case..

"2 minutes." Bacon says from behind me.

"Come on.." I whisper to her, watching her her hand curls in on mine. "Come on sweetie. Breathe.."

Smoothing her hair back, I look to make sure there isn't any blood in her mouth from biting her tongue, the liquid leaving her lips is clear at the moment, but it doesn't mean she won't bite it.

"3 minutes."

3 minutes and they have already felt like a lifetime, I hate that this happens to her..  3 minutes without her witty attitude and devilish smile is too long in my book.

I know Bacon is about to call the four minute mark, when she stops and goes limp. I look over at Bacon who nods "I think that was the end." He says, confirming what I thought.

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