Chapter 26

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Elle POV

I'm led in bed, staring down at my body still unable to actually believe what's happening.

I've always had curves, lumps and bumps, but looking down at my stomach, I can't quiet believe that there's a baby growing in there. Hidden from me for almost 12 weeks. I feel a pang of guilt, thinking back to those days that I struggled to eat a morsel, essentially starving this little.. Creation myself and Zak had made.

Zak stirs in his sleep, his leg seeking out mine in the bed and draping over it, his skin always running hotter than mine. Glancing over, I see his sleeping face, lips parted and hair a mess up on his head. I hope our baby looks like him..

He was a cute baby, Nancy had shown me pictures and I couldn't stop cooing over them. Now the baby was a fully grown man, six feet high, long limbs and still desperate to find my short 5,3 frame in the bed.

"What are we going to do with you?" I ask him but I don't get a reply. Stroking a hand over his face gently, he moans softly before a snore leaves his chest.

When I know he's settled, I slide out of bed and quietly leave the bedroom, padding my way through the house and into the kitchen, retrieving a bottle of water from the fridge. And I almost do it.

I almost make it out of the fridge without grabbing strawberries. But I somehow end up with one in my mouth, followed by another, and then a blueberry and then another strawberry. Grabbing a few more strawberries, I growl at myself and close the fridge ready to head back to bed, when I let out a scream.

Dropping the bottle from under my arm and almost crushing the sweet strawberries in my hand.

"Why?" Zak asks, swaying on his feet from tiredness. The bottle skids to his feet and stops.

He's buck naked.

It's a glorious sight but I have a hard time keeping my eyes fixed on his face, especially when his body looks incredible in the moon light.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." I hiss at him.

"You're not in bed."

"I wanted a drink." I tell him as he looks down at my hand. "And some food. I- I felt guilty about not eating, so I thought I'd make up for it and the strawberries smell so good in the fridge."

He swipes the bottle off the floor. "Wake me up next time. I'll get it."

"Why would I do that?" I ask, following him back to bed.

"Because it's my duty to look after you both now."

He might have said more but I'm distracted by a beautiful perk ass. I'm only human.

"Stop looking at my ass." He says making  my eyes shoot up to his face as we round the corner and head back to bed.

Zak stands on my side of the bed, waiting for me to get in before cracking open my bottle, having a mouthful of water before setting it on the nightstand and going around to his side.

"Thank you."  I smile as he scoots over and kisses the side of my head before snuggling back down. It's the little things that make my heart go squeee!

"Wake me. You don't walk around on your own."

"I live here." I remind him.

He says something that I can't decipher, it almost sounds like 'do as you're told', but I can't be certain and go back to eating the last of the strawberries and then turn to the bottle of water.

My smile returns when I set the drink back and Zak makes no attempt at being subtle as he pulls me to him and makes me lay down with him again.

"Sleepy head." I whisper making him mumble.

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