Chapter 7

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"I think you've broken me." He huffs beside me after a few minutes.

Not liking the sound of his chest, I crawl over his body and go into the bedside table, the movement doesn't go unnoticed as his body twitches back to life. "Down boy."

He chuckles, soothing a hand up my spine until I come back with an inhaler and put it between his lips. He obediently does his inhalers, watching me as I fuss with his hair, and wipe the bead of sweat that is heading for his eye.

Catching his eye, I smile. "What?"

"I've missed you."

"Me too. How's your scalp?" I ask. I don't see any bald patches from my pulling. Thank god.

"Tingly. How's your ass?" He smirks.

"Sore, from your fingers digging in."

We share a few gentle kisses before he has to get up and head to the bathroom. Whilst he is gone, I get a chance to throw my hair up out the way and open the bedroom doors that lead onto the garden, to let in some much needed cool air.

I don't hear him return and let out a yelp when he scoops me up and carries me into the bathroom. His large bath is now filled with water and bubbles and awaiting us.

"Get in."

I do as I'm told and watch as he climbs in after me, but before he can settle down, I guide him around and make him sit back against my body, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"You sure I'm not crushing you?" He asks.

"It's perfect." I tell him draping my arms over his chest.

He sighs relaxing in the water, leaning his head back against my chest. "And there is it.."

"Where what is?" I ask softly, washing his chest and arms.

"Silence.. Your aura, presence, being, silences my demons."

I'm glad I did that for him, that his level of need is the same as mine. I now know we are both on the same page with wanting to sort this and just because we had a hot session between the sheets, doesn't mean that it's sorted..

"Shall we address that elephant in the room now?" I ask softly in his ear.

"Yes please." He says, turning his neck to see me. His hand comes up out the water and gently touches my face. "There is nobody else and not because I'm looking after you all the time. That was wrong of me to use that against you. But because you, Elle, are everything that I need and more."


Since Zak left, self doubt had moved in and in the back of my mind, it had set up camp with a small fire, reminding me that I am punching above my weight when it came to Zak. This Godlike creation was so far out of my league, that I shouldn't even be in his rear view mirror.

"Hey, stop that." He frowns.


"The thousand questions and worries that are running through your mind. Your eyes are windows to your soul, I don't like seeing yours look so damaged."

I blink it away and focus on him.

"My surgery..." I begin.

"I'm a fucking idiot, my reaction was totally over the top and I don't want to make excuses up, but simply explain. Can I explain?" He asks, when I nod, he continues. "One of my biggest fears, is surgery, it's not being in complete control of your own body, it's putting your life in somebody else's hands, no matter there level of skill and success rate. Anything could happen.. A few years ago, I had a nose job. It was for medical reasons as I couldn't breathe out the beak I had." He says pinching his nose.

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