Chapter 10

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Elle POV

When I wake, I find Zak passed out beside me, his phone resting on his chest with one hand extended out, resting on my hip. I don't know what the time is, but I can only presume it's dusk from the position of the sun in the sky.

I take a few minutes to admire Zak in his sleeping form, before sitting up slowly and removing his glasses from his face. Sliding his phone out of his hand, the screen lights up, informing me that he's currently bidding for a new haunted item. Seeing that he had been out-bidded, I throw in a bid and go to put it down when it vibrates, alerting me to a message.

- I know you've left Vegas. Text me when you are back.. Or I'll tell her.

Frowning at the message, I do the unthinkable and try to ring it. As soon as I press the call button, I regret it. But I'm committed to my action now and decide to see it through. With my heart pumping away in my chest, I look over at Zak, hoping he doesn't wake up, but the call disconnect. I then can't stop myself as I delete the message and I quickly lock his phone, setting it aside.

With shaky hands, I look between him and his cell phone wondering what on earth possessed me to do that. Was it because one of my fears was being cheated on? That maybe he hasn't been entirely honest since coming back home?

He had seemed his usual self since returning, we kind of found each other again and I was loving his commitment to our relationship. But was there something going on in the background, making him act this way to cover what he was up to?

Stop it. You trust him.. You trust him. Stop finding a problem.

I stare at his phone a few seconds longer, before getting up and heading into the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I throw water over my face and brace myself against the sink.

I crossed the line. I invaded his privacy.. I was in the wrong.


The sound of Zak calling out makes me jump and I hurry out the bathroom to see him looking at me through one eye whilst the other is screwed up.

"Hey." I smile briefly, wondering if he knew..

"You good?"

I nod. "Are you still heading out tonight to do the interviews?"

He stretches, causing his shirt to ride up and expose a little of his stomach, with a groan, he returns to his normal position. "I think so. I haven't heard anything from the guys."

With the shorter travel, albeit 4 hours, we had arrived in California in one day, rather than spending almost two days driving across states, which means the guys had plenty of time to do the interviews and dive into the lockdown tomorrow night, so that we can head home a little earlier.

"Cool. I'll get your clothes set for you. Taking a shower before you go?"

He sits up slowly and looks at his phone. "You put a bid in..."

"Yeah.." I say slowly, looking over at him. "I- Was that wrong?"

"No sweetie. I really want this. Good call." He says getting up and heading into the bathroom to start the shower.

I feel rotten, I should have come clean there and then, but I felt defensive, possessive, scared..

Fishing through his holdall, I find out his black long sleeve shirt, as well as his jeans. I already know he wants to wear his hat, so I pull that out too and set it out on the bed.

Just tell him. Tell him what you've done. Honesty, remember...

I leave the bedroom, about to tell him, when I bump into him, bare chested with a towel around his waist.

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