Chapter 30

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One month later...

I'm startled awake.

My body flinches hard and my head whips around to see a figure looming over me in the dark. A pair of arms are planted either side of my body. Essentially trapping me.

"It's me, baby." Zak whispers, giving me reassurance, pressing a kiss on my forehead.

"You're home." I reply, rolling onto my back, welcoming his cologne and minty breath.

"Couldn't keep away. I'm going to take a shower, I stink, the RV was stuffy as hell. Won't be long."

"Imma sleep." I mumble causing a soft laugh to leave his lips.

"You do that. Love you." I feel him kiss my head again before disappearing.

I merely rest my eyes, listening to the water from the shower. I had predicted he would be home soon, his lack of details of where he was, was a big give away. So I didn't ruin his surprise, I kept quiet. Because I had two surprises of my own.

When he slides into bed 30 minutes later, he is quick to shuffle across the bed and against me.


I laugh tiredly. "Welcome home."

"When did this start?" He asks, running his hand over my bare body.

"I figured sleep clothes were overrated."

"Halle-fucking- Ujah. I hated not feeling you, skin to skin." He wiggles in some more and I purposely push my butt back into him. "Elle..."

"Shh. Sleep."

"Umm." He stalls as his body reacts to mine almost instantly. "I can't help this.."

Grinning in the dark, I lift my leg and hook it over the back of his.

"Yep. On it." He says getting the idea of what I want. "I- Christ you smell good."

Like I said, I planned ahead.

His hand roams over my smooth leg before he groans and takes advantage of the position I am in, holding my hip, he begins rocking against me.

"You're all I've thought about." He whispers against my ear, causing a tickling sensation.


"What I want to do with you, how much I'm going to devour you, how breathless I can make you."

All these words drift into my ear, boggling my mind, until the soft love making turns into urgent want and need.

We both finish on a shout and cry, exhausted and wrapped in each other's arms. His breath fanning over my shoulder as he presses a kiss into it.

"Welcome home." I smile, drugged from his love.

"The best welcome home I've ever got. How are you?"

I grin. "Amazing. Floaty, lightheaded."

"Same here."

We drift off just before the sun comes up, which is perfect, as I have one more surprise up my sleeve for him..


"Morning beautiful." Zak says as he steps into the kitchen, supporting a pair of black boxers and that's it.

My goodness that man has no shame. He will give someone a damn heart attack at this rate.

But, two words from Zak's mouth and I'm beaming like a sunrise. He sees it and grins.

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