Chapter 32

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"You're making me anxious. You know that?" Zak asks as he stands at the kitchen island.

"I can't help it." I reply putting the finishing touches on the food I've made. "I'm keeping my hands busy which is good."

"You could keep them busy over here.."

I throw him a look, but can't stop myself "When they leave. We are going at it."

"You only want me for my body." He laughs.

"Are you going to complain? I'm all hot and these damn hormones are lining up."

He grins prowling across the kitchen to stop me cutting up yet more food. "Come here."

I'm tugged into his body, where I lay my head on the bottom of his chin. "What if-"

"Don't worry."

I sigh against him, peeking into the collar of his shirt and smelling this cologne. It's soothing and my body knows his enough to relax, almost sagging against him.

Today was the day.

Today was the day that we told the crew that I'm pregnant, and I was currently panicking over what might or might not happen.

Would they share our joy, or would they all question the security of their jobs? With Zak being the lead investigator, the show couldn't go on without him.

When the door goes, I whimper and tighten my hold on Zak before letting him go. Watching his jean cladded backside disappear out the kitchen as he fixes his black shirt.

He says he wasn't worried, but he took almost two hours getting ready. Picking the right shirt, the right watch and fixing his hair.

The crew were here under false pretences.. They thought it was going to be a boys night, bit of poker, gaming, and whatever else grown men did when they were together.

I had cooked an ungodly amount of food, not because I expected a houseful, but men could eat. A few seconds later, they filled the kitchen, whilst I fussed about with the last few things, greeting them as they all began to gather around the banquet I had prepared. All with hungry eyes.

Zak grabs me, pulling me into his side quickly. "Can we all take a second?"

"You wanna do grace?" Aaron asks.

"No. I want to tell you that I've lied, about you all being here. It's not for a guys night, although we are doing it. But um, well we have some news..."

"Is it about your epilepsy?" Billy asks looking hopeful at me.

My heart swells as they all look at me, my brothers, I never thought I'd have. "It's been 5 weeks without a seizure."

"That's amazing!" Billy smiles as they all look relieved.

"And..." I look at Zak, giving him his moment back.

"And I'm going to be a dad, Elle is pregnant." He announces.

The whole kitchen is silent for a couple of seconds, but it's enough for my hand to tighten around Zak's, fearing the worst.

"For real?" Bacon asks looking between us.

"Last month, I collapsed. Because I was not only a little ill, but because the baby was taking all my vitamins." I tell him.

He gasps. "But you fell over! At the museum—"

"I landed on my arm, which is what broke it." I tell him. "I didn't want to say anything because well, it was too soon."

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