Chapter 35

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Elle POV - 2 weeks to go...

"You know, I thought pregnant women would enjoy the sleep whilst they could get it."

I turn at the sound of Zaks voice, looking away from the window.

"Hey baby." He whispers his lips pressing against my forehead.

"Hey." I answer back quietly, looking back out the window I was stood too. There was a small security team here, putting in state of the art alarms, intruder detectors and some type of material that will stop anyone from being able to scale the wall.

"It's all coming along nicely." He says brushing his hands up and down my arms, letting me settle back against his chest. "I should have put all this into place when I moved in."

"You think Mia will try it?"

"No telling, if I'm honest. But I do have some good news, they have found the blind spot in their security system, they think it's how Mia has been getting on the community."


He nods "They are pretty confident that she won't be able to get on anymore."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Sophie has been ignoring my calls."

"Don't worry about her. Probably hiding out because yet again Mia has run rings around her."

I hum in acknowledgement. "The police have suggested I go to the courts and have a new order placed, also bring up the harassment too."

"What do you want to do?" He asks quietly, rubbing my shoulder.

"Forget it all and just focus on what's to come." I tell him. "I don't want or need any stress. I just want to relax, with you and Gracie. It's been a bumpy 9 months and I hope it doesn't have any effect on our baby.."

"It won't. El, there is enough love in our little family to override the mess that's surrounding us. Mia cannot and will not burst our bubble of love. No matter how hard she tries. Okay?"

I nod before turning to give him a rather awkward cuddle. "I love you."

"To the moon and back." He adds making me smile.

"You love that book don't you?" I ask him, pulling back to see his face properly.

My devilishly, handsome demon hunter, with an infinite love for all things dark, had turned soft on me last week, when he ran into the bedroom with a box and tore it open like a child at Christmas.

Was it some dark ritualistic item?
A piece for his museum?


It was a box full of brand new story books and the top one which was his new found favourite was a book about two rabbits.. Every time they said I love you, they always added, 'To the Moon and Back.'

It was incredibly cute and Zak had adopted the saying.

His gentle laugh in my ear makes me smile. "But I do, love you and baby to the moon and back."

"You're too cute." I tell him, pulling away as the drilling starts again.

As I face out the window, Zak braids my hair and sets it over my shoulder, pressing a kiss onto the nape of my neck.

"Is your mom coming over today?"

He chuckles. "No. I told her to take a day off."

"I love her, dearly but that lady is so hands on."

"So hands on." Zak laughs, rubbing my shoulders. "Did she try to make you do those breathing exercises?"

"Yes. You?"

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