Chapter 23

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Elle POV

I wake up to a thumping in my skull, like one of those squirrels in Willy Wonka, bashing a nut.

Moaning gently, I crack my eyes open a little to see what's new, and nothing has changed, apart from a mass of black hair on top of my hand. That would account for the pins and needles.

Opening my eyes a little more, I see that someone is actually asleep on my hand and when I see the back of the neck, and the hints of a tattoo, I feel relief.

"You're home." I whisper to myself, whilst looking at the back of Zak's head.

"You are in trouble." Zak says, making me jump at the sound of his voice.

When he lifts his head, and turns to look at me, I can see the exhaustion in his face. The bags under his eyes and the unshaven face. He hasn't been asleep, just resting his head there. For comfort?

"I know." I rasp taking hold of his hand.

"I planned on giving you a lecture." He says.

"And now?"

He moves to his feet, brings his hands to my face and holds my head at an angle before kissing me gently.

The kiss is sweet, simple and warms my heart. But the second one is more demanding, punishing and goes right to my toes.

By the time Zak pulls away, I'm a little lightheaded and my lips are swollen.

"You're still in trouble." He says, sitting back down before grabbing my hands and placing them against his face.

"I'll take your word for it." I answer, looking at him and his entire being.

I want to touch him, his skin, his warmth, his muscles, all over. To feel his weight crushing me and to revel in the scent of his cologne.

"Stop with those eyes." He says, making me look up to his face, my lungs heaving a breath because he's quiet breathtaking in this moment.

"I don't know what you mean."

"The eyes that want to make me strip you down, punish you for making me panic and fly here, but also make me want to make love to you, because of how much you scared me and to show you how much I care."

I squeeze his hand. "I won't stop you. You know..."

He shakes his head, the faint hints of a smile snipping at his lips. "You are unbelievable."

"Why thank you. And thank you. For coming here. I'm sorry you had to."

"Are you kidding? El, I would fly anywhere because you need me."

"I know. But I- this has never happened before and I don't know why it has." I admit. Surely those tablets can't be that strong? Maybe I took too much? But I couldn't have overdosed..

"You've got nothing in your body." Zak says. "I spoke to the doctor when I arrived. You're running on empty, literally. You're low on a lot of vitamins, exhaustion, dehydration."

I nod weakly. "How is Gracie?"

"And you ask about Gracie. Did that even register? What I've just said?" He asks.

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