Chapter 4

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"Just stay there..." Zak says, laying beside me on the cold marble floor. "Breath slowly, you're okay, I'm here."

I blink slowly, trying to remember what has happened, but from the ache in my muscles and the headache that's throbbing away, it would seem that I've had a seizure. The big one we had been waiting for.

Time is not a factor when I'm having them, for me I am unaware of what's going on around me and how long I am in them for. It's lucky I have Zak on hand because anything after the 5 minutes mark, requires a hospital visit.

"My head.." I murmur.

"Does it hurt?"

I nod.

"You didn't fall and hit it. I got to you before you hit the ground. I think it's probably the tension and the convulsions."

Looking at him, I see he's taken hold of my hand and held it between his, it's a sign of comfort, but I wouldn't have known throughout the seizure, only now..

"Go.." I tell him, wiggling my hand out from his grasp. "Shower or clothes."

The water droplet littering his chest already tell me what I know, that I interrupted his shower, he was quick off the mark, considering the alert he gets is to his phone.

"I'm fine." He insists, retaking my hand, with complete disregard that he's led on the cold floor, after having a hot shower, in just a towel because of me.

"Imma get up." I tell him.


But stubborn is my middle name and I soon pull myself up and look around the hotel room at a new height. Somehow it looks a little different down here.. Weird.

I get a couple of seconds to take it in before Zak is beside me and scooping me up off the floor and carrying me into the bedroom. Sliding me back into the sheets when I give a hearty yawn. "You're gonna need a sleep." He says, knowingly.


Tucking the bedding around me, he fusses with my pillow before kissing my forehead. "Just get some rest, I'm going to text the guys."

Today we were suppose to be going Karting, however this has put a spanner in the works for me, but that didn't mean Zak could go.

"You go. I'm fine."

"I'd rather stay with you."

"And I would rather you had fun than watch me sleep. Go, have fun, I will text you when I wake up."

He looks torn, but eventually nods. "I'll finish my shower."

Leaving the bedroom, I cast an eye to the door, before I see his phone on the bedside table. My eyes stay locked onto it for a few seconds, before I reach out for it. Hovering my hand over the device, I get a ping of guilt for not trusting him. I do, with my life, he has proven that before, but the obsession with his phone in the last few months is noticeable. He practically hides it, which makes me think he's up to something..

I move my hand away, determined not to invade his privacy no matter what the situation. If it concerned me, he would tell me, right?

Curling onto my side, I close my eyes and wait for sleep to hop into my mind. As I wait, I hear the shower stop, the moving round the room as Zak comes into change, the spray of his cologne as well as the smell, before he dips the bed to give me kiss. Then he is gone.

Sleep follows soon after.


When I finally resurfaced, I'm groggy and I spend a few minutes sat on the end of the bed, watching the room tilt. If I got up now, I would hit the floor without doubt, so I stay seated until the motion passes.

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